"and if the Spirit of Him who did raise up Jesus out of the dead doth dwell in you, He who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quicken also your dying bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you." (Romans chapter 8 verse 11, Young's Literal Translation, 1898)

In the very previous devotional, we observed that Christ in you as a Christian is the most powerful thing about your life. The Bible says in Colossians chapter 3 verse 4 that Christ is our life; and this life of His  is administered to us by the Holy Spirit that indwells us. With God's Spirit indwelling us, we have in effect, the Healer at home in us.

     Sometimes, I ask which is better: Christ with the disciples in bodily form or Christ with the Church in the Person of the Holy Spirit. The matured mind knows, of course, that the latter is by far the better! Given the present provisions, in time of need, all we have to do is to look inward. The same Jesus that walked the streets of Judea some time ago healing the sick now dwells in us corporately as a Church and individually as believers. Hallelujah! How then can we be short of healings in our midst and in our bodies?

    It was the Holy Spirit that resurrected or quickened Jesus from the dead (Romans chapter 1 verse 4; and Romans chapter 6 verse 4). The Scripture for the day says that "if the Spirit of Him who did raise up Jesus out of the dead doth dwell in you, He who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quicken also your dying (or sick) bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you." (Emphasis added). The word "quicken" means "to revitalize", "to make alive", "to give life", "to restore", "to renew". Thank God we have God's Spirit tabernacled in us. Invariably therefore, His ministry in us, among others, is to bring healing to our "dying bodies". We must not forget this!

       Brethren, these spiritual truths I'm sharing with you works. As a minister of these Bible truths, I have seen very many people healed of diverse illnesses, including terminal diseases.

    Today in Church, as I was teaching along these lines, I reminded the Church of the case they witnessed some years ago. A woman was brought to attend our healing meeting tagged "Beauty for Ashes" in Kaduna, Nigeria. This woman had been bedridden and couldn't walk for two years. In the prayer line, she sat in the chair looking helpless and dejected. As I got to her, I simply laid my hand on her back and commanded the spirit of infirmity to leave her body. As I held her up, God's supernatural strength came upon her which "quickened" her to walk for the first time in two years. The entire hall went agog with praises unto the Lord. To me, the most exciting moment was when she danced from the rear to give her offering to the Lord. Hallelujah!

      To the child of God, there's always a way out of sickness. Remember that healing is bread for God's Children (Mark chapter 7 verse 27). In other words, healing shouldn't be something farfetched. It should be a common phenomenon among God's people as bread is common with children, moreso as healing is our heritage in Christ. Besides, God wants to use you to heal others because you have believed in His Christ (Mark chapter 16 verses 17 and 18). Praise the Lord!


Father, thank You for quickening my mortal body by your Spirit that dwells in me. I've found the Way out of sickness, in Jesus name.