"And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness." (Romans chapter 8 verse 10, King James Version)


This verse of Scripture together with the one that follows it are quite revealing as far as healing is concerned. Essentially, they reveal the ministry of Christ in us through the Person of God's Spirit that now indwells us as believers. Haven't we been assured in Colossians chapter 1 verse 27 that Christ in us is the hope of glory?

     This is the mystery that had been hidden from ages past which is now made manifest; that among other things, we can live a glorious life because Christ is in us. As a Christian therefore, you have the right and ability to walk out of any debilitating circumstance of life, including sickness because of "Christ in you, the hope of glory"!

   The King James Version interpretation of Romans chapter 8 verse 10 is somewhat problematic. The appropriate rendering should rather be, "But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness." (see the New Revised Standard Version)

 Other versions like the NIV, ESV,  NASB, TLV, NLT, TPT, MEV and the Amplified Version have the correct interpretation of this very verse. This line of interpretation accords with the intent of the very next verse which is Romans chapter 8 verse 11.

    Romans chapter 8 verse 10 reminds us of the effect of sin to our mortal bodies, which is death. The Easy-to-Read Version succinctly puts it thus:

"Your body will always be dead because of sin. But if Christ is in you, then the Spirit gives you life, because Christ made you right with God.". The New Century Version and the International Children Bible Version renders the same verse in exact words!

     We all know that sickness and other human vices are the offshoot of sin. There would never have been sickness but for sin. What Romans chapter 8 verse 10 is saying is that though our bodies may experience deterioration otherwise known as death, by way of sickness, the Holy Spirit in us is there to minister life to our bodies. This is exactly what Romans chapter 8 verse 11, the very next verse to verse 10 is saying. It goes like this:

"But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."

   These two Scriptures are actually intended by God to help the Christian to maintain a steady divine health life. There are basically two reasons why the Holy Spirit will minister life or healing to your sick body as a Child of God. Firstly, and according to Romans chapter 8 verse 10, "because Christ made you right with God." (Easy-to-Read Version), or " because God considers you righteous" (Complete Jewish Bible), or "because you are fully accepted by God" (The Passion Translation).

       Secondly, It is important for us to realize that Jesus came to give us abundant life and that this life Jesus came to give us is administered by the Holy Spirit who resides in us. Understand that the Spirit of God is not in us for fun! Understand also that we only have Christ's life in the proportion that we allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in us. If we shun, resist or refuse the work of the Holy Spirit, then we cannot experience the fullness of divine life that Jesus came to bring us, which includes healing.

     I invite you today to take advantage of this great privilege by being born again. Thereafter, what you need to do is to become ever more conscious of Christ's presence and glory in your life. Hear this: the Lord puts a difference between His own and others. Though that sickness may have swallowed others, your case is different in Jesus' name.



Father, I believe in divine healing. Thank You Holy Spirit for ministering healing to my mortal body, in Jesus name.