" ... if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." - Romans 10:9-10 (KJV)

Welcome to the continuing part of this series. Firstly, we have by the Spirit and the Word of God seen that God heals. Secondly, we have seen that the devil is the originator of illnesses and diseases. Thirdly, I was able to establish further that because one is afflicted with a life threatening illness by satan isn't a death sentence, for the Lord Jesus gave us power to cast out or dislodge demons and the illnesses they manifest in our bodies. To get a fuller view of what has been said, and other inspiring lessons, visit our link: https://wordfortoday.netlify.app/ .

     Today, we shall be examining the place of confession in Divine healing. Let me talk a little extensively on confession. This is because confession is very vital when we are dealing with the Christian faith. Usually, when we talk about someone confessing, our minds very often go to instances when what's going on in the coven of witches is being revealed. This is the negative aspect of confession. There's the positive side of confession, which simply put, is saying the same thing that God has said. Sometimes, when we talk about confession (saying the same thing God says - see Heb 13:5-6) people  who have never heard it impressed that we must confess our way into salvation seem to get confused. The Bible says that " ... with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." - Romans 10:10 (KJV) In other words, the Word of God tells us to confess with our mouth the same thing that God says in His Word. The simple truth is that if we don't confess with our mouth the same thing that God said in His Word, we are saying that we don't believe His Word. 2 Cor 4:13 says: "We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;". In other words, if you believe, you have to speak what you believe.

What the Bible means, when it tells you to confess with your mouth certain things, is just to agree with what God said. For if I agree, this means I believe it and I'm lining myself up with the Word of God. But if I don't confess with my mouth the same thing God says in the Word, it means I don't agree with what He said. Then, I'm calling God a liar. This is a big problem in the Church today. Satan will do his utmost to keep you from agreeing with God by confessing His Word. Is it any wonder that the blessings of God fall short in our lives because we have lined ourselves up directly against the Word of God?

   The Scripture plainly teaches that we can have what we say. It says that " ... with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation;" - Rom 10:10. Confession therefore becomes our vehicle to experience salvation. Of course, you need to understand that the word "salvation"  is all encompassing. It includes to be preserved, saved, healed, salvation and whole. In other words, salvation contains more than just our ticket to Heaven.

    Now, it is with regards to the matter of Divine healing that we speak. It will interest you to know that in the Eye of God, everyone is healed. This is what the Lord Jesus died for. Jesus, the Lord has paid the price for the healing of us all. Through Him, we all have unfettered access to Divine healing. The problem with us is how we can access it. This accounts for why some are healed, and why some aren't. Indeed, the problem isn't with God, but with us. What I share with you, I have experienced and it's the truth. In my ministry for instance, I have seen scores healed of varying illnesses and diseases, not simple headaches, cold or fits of fever; I mean life threatening illnesses :- diabetes, high blood pressure, HIV and Aids, holes in the heart, kidney maladies, cancer, prostrate, etc. Glory be to God!

    I have taught people to receive their healing by simply confessing what God has done for them through Christ Jesus and so many are alive today, basking in good health, giving glory to God. Hallelujah! In the next edition, we shall examine some of the Scriptures on healing and how to appropriate them to secure Divine healing for our bodies. All praise to the Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!

  Have a blissful day.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I am grateful that you have secured healing for me in Christ Jesus. This I believe and confess with my mouth to the glory of God. Hallelujah!