My difference is clear

My difference is clear

My difference is clear ooo

I'm a child of God.


 "I will make a distinction between my people and your people. This miraculous sign will occur tomorrow." - Exod.8.23 [NIV]

 The Almighty God, our God is so highly differentiated in many ways from all other gods. This mark ofdifferentiation, He has imputted upon them that are called by His Name.

He is differentiated in power, the Almighty, in height, the Most High, in size, the Magnificent God, I can go on and on, describing His Personality.

The men of old that served God were so highly differentiated from others in their generations.

  Being created in His likeness and image, we are made to be distinguished; we belong to the upper class, we are not just different, we are special as well.

From the Scriptural reference above; The Lord had His own people and Pharaoh  also had his own people, but there was a division between them. The Lord made it so apparent. While there was light in Goshen, where the people of God dwelt, there was total darkness in Egypt, where the people of Pharaoh dwelt. When the first born of every Egyptian died, the first born of the Israelites lived. Many other remarkable things happened to prove the greatness of God towards His chosen over the people of the world.

 God is faithful to His own, He will not always allow the same  events to happen alike to all, but there shall be great difference between the men of the world and the people of Jehovah’s choice.

This is what God has accomplished for us in Christ Jesus His Son! Are you born again? You are in for a differentiation! Your being born again has ushered your life into a different law than the one at work in the world. It's called the law of life in Christ Jesus (at work in God's Children) as opposed to the law of sin and death (at work in the world) - Rom 8:2.

In the book of Psalm 91:7-9, the Bible says that "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;". Amen!

God promises to save His own in the midst of evil occurrence. He watches over His own.

Many of us can attest to the benefits of God’s Faithfulness.

He also says in His Word, that while others are saying there is a casting down, we shall say, there is a lifting up (Job 22:29).

All these and many others, are evidence of His marks of differentiation at work in and for us.


By the reason of God’s mark of differentiation in my life, I decree and declare that from this day my life is free from the grievous swarms of evils which defile and torment the people of the world, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.