" ... and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation;" - Rom 10:10

This is the part 6 in the series wherein we began to examine the matter of Divine healing. In the last series (part 5), we laid emphasis on confession as being a vital aspect of our Christian faith. We noted especially that if we believed God's Word, we should confess it; failing which we have made God a liar. In addition, we averred that the word "salvation" includes, inter-alia, healing! Consequently, we may rephrase Rom 10:10 thus: " ... and with the mouth confession is made unto healing;". You may wish to refresh your memory by visiting our link : https://wordfortoday.netlify.app/

    There is evidence throughout the pages of God's Word that healing belongs to us as believers today. Isaiah 33:24 tells us that "the inhabitant of Zion (the Church) shall not say, I am sick" ; emphasis mine.The Lord is God "... who healeth ALL thy diseases" (Ps. 103:3)! But today, despite the fact that the Lord Jesus has paid the price for our healing, we still have many that are sick in the Church. This shouldn't be so! I have noticed that the problem with the Church today is that of immaturity. We have failed to grow to the level of working out our salvation (Phil 2:13) or to " ... earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 1:3, KJV), or still to "Fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim 2:12). I'm pained when I see believers suffering unnecessarily under the yoke of sickness. Have you ever wondered why James asked the question "Is any sick among you? ... " (James 5:14, KJV). James was cocksure that there shouldn't be any sick person amongst believers, given what the Lord Jesus has accomplished for us. By implication, James was asking if there be any person in the Church that was sick on account of his having not known how to work out his salvation or still, having not known how to earnestly contend for what the Lord Jesus has accomplished for the Church! For me, I believe sincerely that if out of your carelessness, the door for satanic affliction is opened and sickness results thereby, you can avail yourself of your maturity in Christ to know how to kick out the ailment from your body. Period!

A woman who had stomach cancer came to see us. The doctors had removed a good chunk of her intestines that were cancerous. She had undergone about four out of six slots of chemotherapy in the hospital. She had completely lost the hair on her head. Besides that her case wasn't better, she had lost two of her contemporaries who were undergoing the same treatment. This was what actuated her to seek the Lord for Divine healing! She was afraid that she was going to die.

   After she had narrated her ordeal, my wife and I took her through the following Scriptures, explaining them to her in detail: Matt 8:17; 1 Pet 2:24 (read in conjunction with Isaiah 53:4). Essentially, we impressed on her that the Lord Jesus had secured her healing and that what remained for her to do was to receive it by faith. Thereafter, we took her to the altar and ministered to her. We then proceeded to give her these Scriptures with others to confess three times daily as though she were taking her doctor's prescription. To the glory of God, she received her healing, came back to give glory to God and it's been close to four years running since she encountered Divine healing. Praise the Lord!

   While she was confessing those Scriptures, she was in effect agreeing with the Lord's Word or testimony regarding her healing. The Bible Says "Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you" - Job 22:21, ESV. She was agreeing with the Lord that she'd been healed and soon, her sick body received life because Jesus told us His Word is spirit and life (Jn 6:63). I'd pointed out earlier that Divine healing is spiritual healing and that if medical science heals, it's through the physical. In other words, when God heals, He heals through the spirit.

     Are you sick? It doesn't matter what the ailment is. Still, it doesn't matter for how long you've been sick and what state you are in. The Lord Jesus has paid the price for your complete and total healing. HALLELUJAH! Let me pray for you:


Thank you dear Lord Jesus for your sacrifice on the Cross for me. I believe that you took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses on your Body (Matt 8:17) This being the case, I have no reason to be sick in my body with (name the sickness or ailment). Again, by your Stripes, dear Lord Jesus, I was healed (1 Pet 2:24) of (name the sickness or ailment). I receive my total healing, in Jesus' mighty name.

NOTE: After you have prayed thus, believe that you have received your healing and thereafter, on a regular basis, thank the Lord for your healing, and any time you experience the symptoms or pains, ignore them, believe in your healing, confess what Jesus has accomplished for you as stated above. By so doing, you are not only resisting the devil (James 4:7), the author of your sickness; you are fighting the good fight of faith (1 Tim 2:12); you are in earnest contention for the faith that has been delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3) and finally, you are working out your salvation or healing (Phil 2:12). There may be occasions when you will have to rebuke the sickness and the devil behind it. It's a fight of faith and victory has been secured for us by the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

CONGRATULATIONS because it's done; but don't forget to share your testimony, giving glory to God!