( E S T H E R )

"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, ..." - Romans 15:4

To follow this message, you may have to refer to parts 4 and 5, earlier submitted, where l began my discourse on Esther.

    Those who are not careful to give a good foundation to their children or wards should not expect to have them amount to anything worthwhile in life. The success story of Queen Esther is one traceable to a good Christian upbringing which became her invaluable asset at a time crucial to the fulfillment of her destiny. How did Esther get to become queen of a kingdom in which she was a captive-slave?


The celebration of the success of Esther, an orphan, is incomplete without the acknowledgement of the contribution of that godly personality, Mordecai, who had brought her up in the way of the Lord. We are told that he brought her up as his own daughter (Esther 2:7).

       Despite her enormous beauty, she was not brought up to regard it as a thing to be grasped, proud of or taken for granted. Rather, she saw her beauty as God's gift with which to serve Him! She therefore preserved and guarded it; not permitting it to constitute a tool in the devil's hands to hurl men into perdition. She understood that someday, God who had given her such extraordinary beauty, would require it for His service. So, as a young maiden, she kept herself chaste and a virgin. These were the three apparent qualifications that gave her a chance to be selected amongst others, for the palace (Esther 2:3).

       Worthy of mention, also was Mordecai's doggedness in ensuring that Esther did well whilst in the palace. At a time, he instructed her, for obvious reasons, not to divulge her identity as a Jewess (Esther 2:10) He would walk daily before the court of the women's house to know how Esther fared and what should become of her (Esther 2:11). WHAT A MENTOR! He was more of her guardian angel!

     But in all of these, Esther had a great role to play. Her obedience to the instructions of Mordecai continued even in the palace. She did not become "swollen headed" and/or prideful as others would find occasion to display, given her invitation to the palace and her eventual selection as queen. We are told that she " ... did the commandment of Mordecai, like as when she was brought up with him" (Esther 2:30); to the point that she couldn't care if in so doing, she perished. For she was once reputed as saying " ... if I perish, I perish." (Esther 4:16).

    Friend, God has placed godly persons around us to instruct and guide us, so we won't miss our destiny. I know of so many young ones who have godly guides, but once they got out of the view of such guides, they chose to live contrary to their instructions! They cast aside godly counsels for vain lifestyles, especially at school or when they live away from parents, guardians, etc. They forget that " ... the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9, KJV) Again, "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." (Proverbs 15:3, KJV). For those who don't know, God is daily and moment by moment beholding our manner of life. For instance, of Eliab, David's elder brother, God told Samuel "... Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him ..." (1 Samuel 16:7, KJV). The question is, when did God consider Eliab to judge him unfit for the throne? Conversely, how or when did the Lord judge David and conclude that he was a man after His heart? (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22)

Make no mistake my friend, God is watching how you live your life. One shouldn't be jealous or angry as God bypasses one to appoint or honor another, because " ... the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9, KJV)

 Let's avail ourselves therefore of the care and the counsels of godly men and women around us, like Esther did of Mordecai; and without fail, we'd be the better for it, in Jesus mighty name.

God bless you.


May you help me Lord to listen and to be obedient to the wise counsels of your servants given to lead me into my place of destiny, in Jesus name, amen.