I have decided to follow Jesus

I have decided to follow Jesus

I have decided to follow Jesus

No turning back

No turning back


  " For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy name, he hath done evil to this people; neither hast thou delivered thy people at all." Exodus  5:23

  Making up our minds to serve God our Creator, should be the greatest decision that anyone can take in life because this is the main purpose for our creation.

The Devil, on the other hand will not let go God's creatures to serve Him willingly, he will always raise up opposition or discouragement in order to hinder man from doing just that.

The children of Israel asked for an opportunity to go to worship their God but this did not go down well with Pharaoh. This simple request resulted to anger and vexation in the hearts of their oppressors. The taskmasters were so enraged that they doubled the daily production of the children of Israel, coupled with no supply of raw materials (Exodus 5:18). It became a problem and great discouragement to the people of God

  To some of us, it seems like since we gave our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ that was when we began to encounter more problems in life as though things were better off when we were in the world.

  Do not listen to the lies of the enemy who is telling you that things were better off with you when you were in the world than now that you are in Christ Jesus. It's a big deception from the pit of hell. The devil will never tell you the truth, the Bible calls him the father of lies.

The truth is that you are on your way to your promised land, having been delivered from the dormain of darkness into His marvelous light. The book of Exodus is centered on the leaving of Israel from Egypt into the promised land.

  While God was in the process of taking the children of Israel out of Egypt, the land of slavery and to settle them in the land of promise, Satan on the other hand was doing the exact opposite.

Satan never wants anything good for a child of God. He will do anything and everything he can to discourage anyone and to lure him or her out of the will of God.  

  The Devil will want you to be frustrated in your attempt to serve God, so that you will think of going back to the world; but never give in,: never give up, but hold out. He is just trying to scare you out of God's will and purpose for your life.       

 He lost the battle over 2000 years ago over your life, for he is a defeated foe.,

In our dealing with God, there is what is called the fullness of time. God is reputed for making everything beautiful at His own time (Ecc 3:11) Remember that the orange is sweetest when it's ripe. Hold unto whatever God has promised you, for He can not lie, He will make good all that He has said.

  "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"-  Numbers  23:19

Don't give up on God because He will never give up on you, as He brought the children of Israel into the promised land so also will He surely bring you to your expected end in Jesus Mighty name.


Lord God Almighty, you are faithful to your word. Your Word says that my expectations shall not be cut off, so therefore I receive their manifestations in Jesus Mighty name. 🙏 🙏 🙏