He is able, abundantly able, to deliver and to save. He is able, abundantly able, to deliver those who trust in Him.


Isaiah 40:31" But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

 The Bible says those that wait on the Lord, who consciously by their duty to him, and by faith rely upon him and commit themselves to his guidance, shall find that God will not fail them.

The believer who depends upon the Lord will mount up with wings like eagles'


The ground is not the home of the eagle, but the sky. It does not walk but it flies. It does not eat leftovers but freshly made food. It lives on top of the mountains. It is able to weather through the strongest of storms; it's able to go against it if it wills or uses the current of the storm to it's advantage.

This supernatural staying power and stamina of the eagle can only be provided by God and only available for them that wait upon Him.

It means a great deal, for the Bible to compare believers with the eagle.

When we learn to wait for our Lord’s lead in everything, that is when we discover the strength that finds its climax in an even and steady walk with Him.

 Waiting is not as easy as I said in the part one of this message. It's true that everyone desires to be on the move always, but only few discover the wisdom of waiting on the Lord and the benefits therefrom. Indeed, this is the secret of STRENGTH; and it requires obedience. I will like to mention that to wait for the Lord requires a special GRACE because so often we erroneously refer to people who are constantly on the move as progressives while we term them that wait as stagnant.

Waiting on the Lord, according to our key Bible verse serves to renew our strength.

 The Bible says "Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; ..." - Isaiah 40:30-31.

 Since waiting on the Lord serves to renew our strength, let's learn to find the necessary obedience to wait on Him, knowing that anything that falls out of the line of obedience is a waste of time and strength. Let us therefore consciously watch for God's leading through the art of waiting on the Lord.


Father, I dedicate my life to You. Thank You for all the blessings You have prepared for me. I wait expectantly on You, knowing that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf for my good, in Jesus name. Amen