"And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible." (Luke chapter 1 verses 36 to 37, King James Version).

The Scripture reading for today is part of the message of angel Gabriel to Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus. The angel had brought a message to her from God, informing her that she had been chosen to bear the much awaited Messiah. (see Luke chapter 1 verse 26 to verse 36)

     In order to convince Mary of God's truthfulness and ability to do what He said to do, the angel revealed to her that her cousin Elizabeth who was far away in Judaea and "who was called barren", "hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her". It's worthy of note that what the angel had revealed to Mary had been kept secret from men until this time.(see Luke chapter 1 verse 24). I prophesy that God will do something good soon in your life that you will not be able to hide anymore, in Jesus name.

     What has caught my fancy about Elizabeth's story is the fact of her state before God visited her. She was not only stricken in years, but was also one "who was called barren." by people. Despite her hopeless and demoralizing state in life, God heard the prayers of her husband and herself and intervened for them (Luke chapter 1 verse 13). I don't know what your situation is at this moment. My prayer for you who's reading this devotional is that you'll testify soon because God has heard your prayers, in Jesus name.

     The lessons from Elizabeth's case are following:

      1) It doesn't matter how long you have been in your situation. God has not forgotten about you and He's bringing you out of it soonest, in Jesus name.

    2) Men might have concluded your case as hopeless and irredeemable. Perhaps, like Elizabeth, they furthered their opinion about you, calling you names. Elizabeth was called one who was barren. I don't know what men have called you because of your problem. I am sent to tell you to discountenance and disregard what men have derogatorily said about you and to tell you that God is giving you a new name henceforth, in Jesus name.

      3) Your case is not beyond God's redemptive ability, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." In another place, the Scriptures attests as follows;

   "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke chapter 18 verse 27). In other words, don't let your life be governed or dictated by the limitations men place on you because what they consider impossible, is possible with God.

God has intervened for people with greater problems than you currently have. So, cheer up because your God is not only the Most High, He's also infinite in power and ability.

     Like, angel Gabriel sent from God, I'm sent to inform you that God hasn't given up on you and for that reason, you shouldn't give up on Him. The fact that you are reading this devotional today is evidence that you have been favored by God with a miracle. Your situation is changing soon, in Jesus name.


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for changing my situation and giving me a testimony soon, in Jesus name.