Jesus, the Alpha, Alpha and Omega

Jesus, the Alpha, Alpha and Omega

So, I will praise Him for He's Alpha, Alpha and Omega


"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew chapter 6 verse 33)

  As we come to the conclusion of the series of teachings, we have to know and understand that we were created to live in a relationship with God. That should be our number one priority and every other thing should be secondary.

But the reverse has been the case with humanity. Many out there have made God their second option or last resort. This is purely a misplacement of priorities.

   God loves us and He warns us of the dangers of disregarding the design for our lives. A good understanding of life reveals that the deepest needs of our lives aren’t going to be met by the pursuit of worldly possessions.

 The lie of the enemy of our souls, is to make us believe the exact opposite. Therefore, instead of searching for happiness in worldly possessions, we must remember who we are and why we were created. We must discover our identity in God alone and He’s promised to meet our every need! The following is Jesus' counsel in the circumstance:

"And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke chapter 12 verse 15)

  If we put God first in our lives, all other kinds of blessings such as food, drink, clothes, shelter and cars will follow up.

As the Bible says "all these things shall be added unto you." (Mathew chapter 6 verse 33).

        The “things” spoken of here, are the things that we think makes us happy, secured and fulfilled; but in reality, they are not the ultimate. The Scriptures rightly tell us not to make them the chief goal of our lives, but rather to “seek the kingdom” first and afterwards, these needs would be added to us.

        It follows that sometimes, we may have to disappoint a child or friend or even skip certain events of life because we choose to do the right thing. This will signify the price of our being disciples of Jesus.

       The benefit of seeking God first guarantees us the good thing of life. Besides, the Lord has offered Himself as the Guarantor of our peace in the midst of the turbulence and storms of this life. Are you filled with the anxieties of life, bring them to Jesus Christ by faith and He will bring peace to your soul.

     "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.", Jesus says. (see John chapter 16 verse 33).

      When you put God first before everything else, He will in turn put you first before anything or anyone else.


Father, thank You for the gift of today and everyday. I choose to set my mind on You and to put You first in all my endeavors in Jesus Mighty name.