I am a winner man

I am a winner man

Jesus makes me a winner

I am a winner man


"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (First John chapter 5 verse 4)

  One big truth that every child of God should know is that Christ has packaged us for total victory by the reason of what He did on the Cross.

     Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection from death were not just about our eternity, it was also about our freedom here on earth! There are very many believers in the Church today that are ignorant of this fact. Their failing to acknowledge this truth has resulted in making them to be shortchanged in their authority, power and victory over Satan and his cohorts. It's sad to know that so many Christians are walking around in chains. They allow the devil to keep on doing whatever he wants to do in their lives.

      Have you ever had the privilege to experience the second birth? If  yes, then you are in the right place, that is, a place of victory.

 We've got to know and embrace the truth by affirming and enthroning God's will for us in Christ Jesus. God’s will concerning you and I is that we are overcomers. Hallelujah!  

  So therefore, refuse to agree or cooperate with whatever the devil is trying to present to you. I counsel you to choose God's facts over the devil's lies.

The Bible informs us saying,

."And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John chapter 8 verse 32)

  It's important that we understand that it is the knowledge of the truth that sets us free; not the truth.

     The world will always try to make you feel like it is “uncool” to follow Christ. They have failed to realize that God is the all-powerful Being; and also that His power to produce the miracles we desire is ever at our disposal, if only we believe. Don't give in to the lies of the devil. Choose to please Christ in all you do; it will benefit you for the life that's now and also for eternity.

     Having come into Christ, make up your mind to live the rest of your life for Him and you will begin to enjoy the victory that accrues from His atoning sacrifice on the Cross for you.


Thank You Heavenly Father for making me an overcomer in all areas of my life, in Jesus Mighty name.