"Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: ... "- Isaiah 5:18-19.

            These are they that are "doomed" yet they continue in that which makes them "doomed". To continue in sin is a deadly venture! Reading that scripture from the Good news version startles my spirit! "You are doomed! You are unable to break free from your sins. ", it says. This is the helpless situation which a soul without Christ finds itself. Cain found himself in this situation and God told him "... sin is crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, BUT YOU MUST OVERCOME IT "(Gen 4:7). No efforts, no matter how stringent or fervent, in as much as they proceed from the physical realm, can avail such a person; because sin is a spiritual phenomenon.

             In this life, there are two classes of persons: (1) them that have their roots in "the first man Adam" ; they are soulish or rather carnal/ physical in nature; of the earth and therefore earthy, sinful and (2) them that have their roots in " the last Adam (Jesus Christ) ", " the second Man... the Lord from heaven " (1Cor 15:47).These are spiritual in the likeness of their Progenitor (Jesus) sinless (through Him they have the remission of sin) and are also heavenly ( See 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 ).

            God has offered you the choice of either remaining rooted in the "first man Adam", "the old man ", with the attendant consequence of death following his sinful nature; OR being rooted in the "last Adam (Jesus) ", " the new Man ", "made a Quickening Spirit", with the attendant consequence of freedom from sin and eternal life! " Therefore if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature ..." (2 Cor 5:17).

               The choice is yours to make my friend! No matter how good or religious you are, not having the Life of Jesus pulsating in your spirit and soul renders you doomed or condemned (see John 3:16-21). But to them in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, no such condemnation awaits them (see Romans 8:1).

          There is an "election" going on my friend. Will you vote Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of your life and live or will you continue with the loosing party headed by the devil and his fallen angels, and "doomed" for eternal destruction for sin? Be wise! VOTE FOR JESUS NOW!

              Have a blessed day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving Jesus to die for my sin(s). I receive Jesus into my life. I'm therefore passed from death to life. I choose to live for you all the rest of my life. Thank you Father, in Jesus name.