"Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And l said, l see a rod of an almond tree. Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for l will hasten my word to perform it ".- Jeremiah 1:11-12

The first chapter of the book of Jeremiah introduces us to the call of this amiable servant of God to public ministry. In verses 11-12 cited above, we see God asking the Prophet what he had seen; and the Prophet replied saying, he had seen "a rod of an almond tree". In reply thereof, God told him that he had seen well. God's desire is  to hasten His word to perform it in our lives. Today, we shall deal with the aspect of this scripture as it relates to the ministry of Prophet Jeremiah.

        What was the significance or meaning of Jeremiah seeing "a rod of an almond tree"; and God telling him that he had well seen?

      (1) It meant that he had seen the rod of Aaron that budded, blossomed and yielded ripe fruits in one night, having been placed in God's presence (See Numbers 17:5). Aaron's rod, like the other rods, was as good as dead. But when placed in God's presence, Aaron's dead rod suddenly resurrected and experienced life by budding, blossoming and yielding ripe Almonds.

       (2) It confirmed that as the rod of Aaron suddenly budded, blossomed and yielded ripe fruits, all in one night, so should the predictions of Prophet Jeremiah. They would suddenly be fulfilled, in his very time; unlike the predictions of other Prophets that took time to be fulfilled; oftentimes, long after the Prophets had died.

(3) It confirmed his call into the ministry.

     In the study of the lives of the numerous Prophets of God, one common feature cut across them all: they never all lived to see the fulfillment of their prophecies. But Jeremiah was an exception; all that he predicted about Judah and Jerusalem came to pass before his very eyes. As a child of God, your case is hereby differentiated from all others,  in Jesus name. Actually, God had in verse 12 of Jeremiah chapter 1, told Jeremiah that He (God) would hasten His word to perform it. God was telling Jeremiah that he would be differentiated among the other Prophets by the sudden performance of his predictions. For instance, Jeremiah didn't only predict the sacking of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar, but Jeremiah saw it happen and was affected by it. The same suddenness that characterized the circumstances of Aaron's rod was replicated in the ministry of Jeremiah. (See Numbers 17:5). What was at work in the case of Aaron's rod was God’s resurrection power! I therefore, prophesy that you will experience that same resurrection power and the very Grace of God shown in Jeremiah's life; that the Word of God spoken unto your life shall without delay be fulfilled, in Jesus name.

     In the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 12 from verse 21 to verse 28, the Lord says that He will hasten His Word to perform it and that there will be no further delay or prolonging of visions or prophesies. According to Him, " ...There shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord GOD." - Ezekiel 12:28 (KJV)

   Remember that our theme for this year 2023 is "Performance and the Manifestation of the Glory of God" in our lives. In this year 2023, God is Performing the things that are appointed for us (Job 23:14) and we are Manifesting His Glory (Rom 8:19) for all to see, in Jesus Mighty Name. I prophesy that God will hasten His Word in your life to perform it, without further delay, in Jesus' Mighty Name. All through this year 2023, you are functioning in this grace, in Jesus' Mighty Name. SHALOM!


Father, in the name of Jesus, your Son, may you watch and hasten every of your Word to perform them in my life, amen.