Holy Spirit, you are my Comforter,

Holy Spirit, take control, as I'm traveling along the way,

the road is so narrow. Holy Spirit, lead me through.


 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever" - John.14.16

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be sent for a purpose. One of the beautiful purposes for the Holy Spirit being imparted to us is that He helps and comforts us so that we do not get lost or be in despair when the challenges of life come. He constantly reveals Jesus to us and encourages us to stay focused and to be of hope.

 "And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." - Rom.5.5

God is faithful to make good whatsoever we hope for, by His power that is at work in us.

 The Holy Spirit equips and trains us to the end that we are strengthened by the Word of God. He also inspires our faith so we keep believing, especially as we experience the faithfulness of God in our day-to-day living. The Holy Spirit is not a selfish Personality; rather, He is an Encourager and an Exhorter. He is faithful and His desire is that we remain faith-filled all through our Christian walk with God.

It is a good thing to ask God daily to teach us His ways so that we can walk continually in His truth. We'll also do ourselves a great deal of favor by listening attentively as He tells us the way to take, using the Bible as His instruction manual. 

Permit me to share a personal experience. I came across a Christian literature, titled LET GOD GUIDE YOU DAILY by Duewel Wesley. This book changed my life totally. It made me understand how to schedule my daily activities with the help of the Holy Spirit. By doing so, my everyday life has become greatly invigorated.

    Most times, the way God is leading us may not be clear at first. Sometimes, it is by a way that we have not taken before, often lined with obstacles along the path. This accounts for why we need to stay in tune with the Holy Spirit, so we can hear His quiet whisper or feel His tender nudge. Once we are on the way, taking one faithful step at a time, He begins to reveal the what, how and where!

 It is not advisable to deliberately choose to go off course, no matter how exciting it seems or feels. We may not get there the way we think. Oftentimes, it may take years to retrace ourselves back to the expected or desired destinations. He will always watch over us. If only we can be sure to follow His way faithfully, we will never be ashamed.


Holy Spirit, thank you for your great work in my life. I dare not venture into anything without you instructing me to discretion. I ask that you lead me in every area of my life in JESUS name.