"And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left." - Exodus 14:22, KJV.

The story of the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt has been a most intriguing one to me and, I'm sure it's so to a good number of people. The miracle of the Lord opening up the Red Sea for His people to go through is to say the least, mind blowing!

   First and foremost, it's good to understand that it was the Lord Himself that recommended the route both to Moses and to Israel.

"And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baalzephon: before it shall ye encamp by the sea." - Exodus 14:1-2. We can be sure that whatever way God recommends, He defends!

    The Lord is not only Omnipotent and Omnipresent but He's also Omniscient. He knew exactly the thoughts of Pharaoh, that he will consider the children of Israel to be disadvantaged by reason of their course of travel and will plan to go after them (Exo 14:3-4). But one good thing that qualified Israel for the Lord's intervention was that in obedience, they took the course that God laid out for them. Child of God, don't ever suppose that because the Lord asked you into a path, you'll not experience trials. Indeed, trials are evidence of God's involvement in your affairs.

The children of Israel stood on the shore of the Red Sea crying, and contemplating on what to do. The Egyptians were behind them, and the Red Sea was before them; on the two sides of them were mountains. God had brought Israel into a place where there wasn't any hope of human help; but to the Egyptians, He gave enormous advantage over Israel. All of this was done to demonstrate the Lordship of God over the matters of life. In all of the parts in these series, I've stressed one key element that goes on with the matter of the Lordship of God. It is that He never apologizes to anyone over anything. This is so because He's never wrong! If God ordered a path for you, and you follow Him in obedience, He will stand by you in defense. In the case at hand, when God saw Israel stuck and encumbered, and as it is with Him being LORD, He didn't go apologizing to Moses for leading him and the people into that state of seeming embarrassment and danger. Instead, when difficulty arose, the LORD took charge and took care of it. He made sure that His people were never disadvantaged. By His power and sovereignty, He opened up the Red Sea for His children to cross over! Indeed, God did what had never been done before in the history of mankind. Israel " ... went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left." - Exodus 14:22, KJV.

       If God led you into any situation in life, be rest assured that He will be with you to surmount every challenge that attends to it. Like He did for Israel, God is ready to do for you whatever it takes to secure your deliverance. His Word for us is His pathway laid out for His children to follow. As you follow His instructions, you can be rest assured that whatever goes wrong along the path of your obedience to His Word, He will take care of by the power of His Majesty. If in order to extricate you from danger or from any form of embarrassment, there is no way known or apparent, God will create one for you. This was what He did for Israel at the Red Sea; and He's committed to doing even exceeding abundantly above what you can ask or think (Eph 3:20). Praise the Lord!


Dearest Heavenly Father, by your Lordship over all matters of life, I'm confident that I can never be disappointed or disadvantaged. Thank you for exercising your power in my favor, in Jesus name.