We will wait upon the LORD

For in His presence

Is fullness of joy

And our strength will be restored

As we wait upon the LORD


 "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..." 2Cor.12.9.

Let us, day by day or at every moment, go to the Lord for the grace and strength we need to live for Him. We should never be presumptuous about the daily refreshing oil that pours from on high. The Bible is very clear about it, that the strength of God can only be perfected in our weakness. It all has to do with not forsaking the gathering of the brethren (Heb10 25) and also our constant visits to the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy. (Heb4:16)

 Our pastor Rev.Bar. Dele Buoro was preaching last Sunday, on the topic, LOOKING UNTO JESUS; He said, "we come to Church regularly to be charged by the Word and the Spirit of God". Just as we usually do to the batteries of our cell phones. The  amount of the Word of God we receive at every fellowship enables us to face the challenges of life and also to prepare us for the second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.  "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain." - Jas.5.7.

The five foolish virgins could care nothing for extra oil in their lamps. On the other hand, the five wise virgins were discreet about their lamps. They could not imagine their lamps going out while they awaited  the arrival of the groom, should He delay in His coming. (Matt25:1-12)

       On our own part, we need to secure the sustenance for our lamps daily while we await the second coming of our Savior. All these things have to do with our submission and commitment to the Lord in constant fellowship. In His faithfulness, He has called us, He will also do it. The Lord who formed the world upholds it. He who has called us unto Himself as Christians will maintain us by his Spirit, or our ruin will be great.

     Only let our faith take hold of His Strength and without fail, all our lukewarmness, anxieties, together with the powers of darkness will flee at His presence. Our joy and peace will be full in Jesus name. Hallelujah!


Thank You Heavenly Father for constantly refreshing me with the Oil from on High, in Jesus' Mighty name.