"Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."  - Jonah 1:17

God thinks good about you, has a future for you and has plans to give you an expected end (Jer 29:11). Only God knows how to bring you to your glorious destiny. As His child, all you do is to trust Him in every circumstance of life.

             You may not like what you are passing through in life now, but I can assure you that God is in that circumstance, working out things for your eventual good (Rom 8:28). It's not true that the Lord doesn't know what we're going through; or that He's lost control of the issues of our lives. According to Job, "... he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." (Job 23:10). The crucial question is: what are your expectations at the end of your trials? The wonderful finding many have made in life is that as they remained faithful and patient unto God, they discovered His awesome wisdom in taking them through those "unpleasant moments" of life!

       What you sometimes see as an adverse situation may after all be the vehicle God has provided for the fulfillment of your destiny. For instance, in Jonah chapter 1, verse 17, we are told that God "had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah..." What looked like death to Jonah became a vehicle of fulfillment for him. In the fish's belly, God kept him; so He will keep you until your miracle shows up, in Jesus name. Your present predicament may, after all, be God's way, in His wisdom to fulfill you, so don't detest or be angry with Him. He knows what He's doing!

Another beautiful example is the story of Joseph. Joseph had dreams, but least did he expect to happen to him issues like detaching him from the love of his father, slavery and the wrongful imprisonment he experienced. These things happened to him and were things he least expected to happen to him; yet God used them to fulfill Joseph's dreams the way He did. The most astonishing aspect of God's dealing with Joseph and oftentimes, with us as His Children is that the Lord didn't reveal to Joseph the horrors of the pit, the debasing treatment of slavery in  Potiphar's house and the lonely prison cell. God didn't reveal these events to Joseph whom He gave to function in the gift of dreams and the interpretation of dreams. Most times, it seems like the Lord works out His plans for us in ways contrary to our expectations. With God's way being past finding out (Job 9:10; Rom 11:33) we may never know how the Lord will fulfill His plans for us. The best we can do for ourselves is to follow and to trust Him. This was the path that Joseph took and indeed, all the saints of God have had this as an unfailing path to follow.

   As a child of God, you have to understand that the love bond between you and the Lord is an  inseparable one (Rom 8:35). Besides, He's bound to fulfill His Words to you, especially when you believe Him and you make them your expectations (Prov 23:18). In my relationship with the Lord, it's soothing to know that no circumstance is adverse enough to derail His plans for His child; because He is LORD and is fully in CONTROL OF THE EVENTS OF LIFE!

            Have a blessed Sunday service.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I may not understand what and why I'm going through what in life; but I'm grateful for your love and the fact that you are in perfect control of the issues of my life, working them together for my good. I bless you dearly LORD, in Jesus name.