In part 1 in this series, I stressed the importance of confession as the hallmark of our Christian faith. I emphasized that we must believe that in Christ, God has provided adequately for our healing. I also explained in detail that the Scriptures affirm that you confess whatever it is that you believe. In part 2 in the series, I made us understand that satan and NOT God is the originator and cause of human sicknesses and infirmities.

What I'm sharing with you in this series are spiritual matters that are very true and real, but are incomprehensible to the natural mind (See 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14). While medical sciences probe into the physical, particularly the bodily composition of man, aiming to treat infections in the human body, God the Creator on the other hand, being a Spirit focuses on the spirit of man, and by the instrumentality of the Word aim to heal not only his body, but his mind as well. For instance, how do you account for the healings that took place in the wilderness as Israel was enroute to the promised land? How can a mere look or gaze at the fiery serpent that Moses set on the pole heal them that were bitten by serpents? (see Numbers chapter 21 verses 8 and 9)

         Again, haven't you seen or heard of situations where upon medical examination people are found to be in perfect health, but are in actual fact sick? I'm here talking about the numerous inexplicable instances around us today where people are sick but the doctors can't find what the hell is the matter with them.

    Very often, such instances point to the activities of what the Bible calls “spirit of infirmity” (see Luke chapter 13 verse 11). This is the spirit that animates or gives life to sickness in the human body. Under those circumstances, if you put a sickness under a microscope for examination, you will not see the spirit or demon that animates it. What you will see is the effect of that demon or spirit in the human body. The microscope will only show the damage that it has done to the body. But the moment that wicked spirit or demon is cast out of that body in the name of Jesus, the sickness dies. Consequently, it will pass out through the body. It dies because the demon that gives it life has been cast out. When life is gone out of it, it will wither up and go away and the fellow becomes well. (see James chapter 2 verse 26)

     This brings us to the third Scripture for our purpose. It's found in the Gospel of Saint Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 to 17. It states as follows:

"When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses."

   Here, in line with our introductory remarks above, the Lord Jesus recognized that demonic spirits were responsible for the sicknesses found in the bodies of the people that came to Him for healing. This isn't to mean that all illnesses are caused by demons, but the majority of them are! We are told in the verses of Scripture under consideration that "they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:"

     It's good news that as Jesus functioned in the authority and power to cast out demons, every believer in Him has been endowed with the same ability to do the same (see Mark chapter 16 verse 17). In our ministry for instance, each time we encounter them, we cast them out in the name of Jesus and in most cases, the sick are restored to good health! Glory to God!

     The second thing to note in Matthew chapter 8 verses 16 to 17 is that Jesus is said to have taken our infirmities and to have borne our sicknesses. This is what God the Father did for us in Christ Jesus. In other words, healing is among the benefits that results from the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus for us. The entire gamut of the holy Scriptures attests that Jesus took our place. Jesus became sick so that we might not be sick anymore. Praise the Lord!

Unless you believe and take the benefit of Christ's accomplishments for you by confessing or affirming your healing, the devil will continue to cheat on you by his oppressive and repressive machinations, part of which is sickness and ill health. But glory to God for Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice for us.


The Bible says that Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. Thank You Father for laying on Jesus Your Son all of my sicknesses, all of my infirmities and diseases. Since Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses on His Body for me, I am free from this sickness (mention the sickness in your body), in Jesus name. As a born again child of God, healing and good health is part of my inheritance in Christ Jesus. When I got born again, I was automatically born into good health. Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, you have no right or authority to lay on me what God the Father has laid on Jesus His Son for me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you spirit of infirmity causing sickness in my body (mention the sickness) to desist from your operation and stop all your maneuvers in my body. I bind you spirit of infirmity and I cast you out of my body, in Jesus name. Thank You Father for having healed me, in Jesus name