Fill my heart Lord

Let me live for You

You are my Maker

My Everything

Give me the grace, to know and do Your will

Everlasting Father, Almighty Jesus Sweet Holy Spirit touch me again


 "Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience." (First Timothy chapter 3 verse 9)

   A conscience that is void of offense is the one that reflects a desire to know and follow God's will. Whenever we find ourselves in sin, our conscience pricks us and makes us know immediately that we need to get right with God.

Once we are put right, we can then live and walk before the Lord and also before men without guilt.

   The Bible admonishes us to have a heart that is free of sin and guilt, a heart that is full of faith so that we can approach God's presence with boldness. So therefore, as the Bible says, "let us go right into the presence of God, with true hearts fully trusting him. For our evil consciences have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water." (Hebrews chapter 10 verse 22, New Living Translation)

 It is our prerogative as God's children to draw nearer and nearer unto Him until we come to dwell fully in His presence. We must see to it that we make our approach in the right manner. In other words, we are to draw near in all holy conversation, in holy dependence, and in a strict observance of the divine conduct towards God and men

  As I said in the previous massage, the sacred conscience is one that has been kept spotless through confession of sin.

     "For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." (1st John chapter.3 verse 20)

It's amazing to learn that God does not condemn us (John chapter 3 verse 17 and John chapter 8 verse 11).

Whatever condemnation we feel in us is the voice of our new nature that's in consequence of having been born again. Our conscience is made alive and active to the fear of God, through our constant studying of the Word of God and by the agency of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the fear of the Lord dwelling in us.

      As we apply the Word of God to our daily living, our consciences will grow stronger toward the way of God.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sprinkling my conscience with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, making me clean and fit for Your service, in Jesus' Mighty name.