Before I proceed with second Scripture for our purpose, I'd like to share my thoughts on the question of whether it's God's will for men to be sick. As Christians, it's important that we understand that God doesn't send sickness to men for whatever reason. To say that sickness is God's will for us is a big lie from the pit of hell. Satan employs this lie to cause men to accommodate sickness as God's will for them. But he's aware that the moment you are convinced that sickness is from him and not from God, you become animatedly resilient in seeking deliverance from his bondage. Satan is the author of sickness and infirmity.

    In the Book of Job chapter 2 verse 7, the Bible records as follows:

"So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown."

So you see, it was satan and not God that brought sickness to Job; and in chapter 42 verse 10 of the same Book of Job, the Bible records, saying,

"And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends:"

  In other words, when God healed Job as aforesaid, the Bible refers to it as a deliverance from captivity. Truth is God doesn't hold men in captivity. On the contrary, it's satan that does that. Indeed, Jesus came  to set at liberty those that are bruised (see Luke chapter 4 verse 18); "to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;" (see Isaiah chapter 61 verse 1).

  That's why in Luke chapter 13 verse 16, Jesus' question in respect of the woman that was bowed over was, "ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, ...  be loosed from this bond ... ?"

Here, it was satan, not God, that had bound this woman for 18 years. God doesn't bind men, He loses them (see Luke chapter 13 verse 12 and Acts chapter 2 verse 24). Furthermore, the Holy Spirit speaking through Apostle Peter in the house of Cornelius, said that sickness is an oppression (see Acts chapter 10 verse 38).

   God doesn't want us to be oppressed. Satan on the other hand is the originator of sickness which the Holy Spirit refers to as oppression. Jesus came to let the oppressed go free and if the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. (John chapter 8 verse 36)

It's imperative that you know the truth because the knowledge of the truth sets you free (John chapter 8 verse 32). When you know what God has done for you to secure your healing, you take advantage of it.

    It is against this backdrop that we consider the second verse in the series. Psalms 107 stanza 20 provides as follows:

"He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions."

    The first thing to note in this Scripture is that the deeds of God it refers to are in the past tense. They are already a done deal. God's not going to do them but He has done them already. It says, "He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." The Word of God is sent to you to heal you and to deliver you from the power of destruction. That's wonderful!

  A woman came to us having been diagnosed with cancer of the stomach. By the time she came to us, she had undergone four doses of chemotherapy. She had two more to undergo. She noticed that the other patients with whom she'd undergone chemotherapy had died. Besides, the doctors had removed a chunk of her intestines that were considered cancerous. It was at this point she came to seek my wife and I for healing.

    What we did was simply to lay our hands on her and thereafter, we handed to her the Scriptures we are currently sharing with you in this series. We instructed her to keep on confessing them as one would adhere to the doctor's prescription and to believe the Lord for her healing. I testify that she's completely healed of cancer and it's over five or six years now.

     Today, sickness is causing a whole lot of destruction to the lives of men, but as a child of God, you don't fall victim to what destroys others. Learn to take advantage of God's Word "which effectually worketh also in you that believe" (see 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13).


Father, thank You for having sent Your Word to heal me of {mention the sickness(s)}. Before I was ever born into the world, you had sent your Word and healed me, hallelujah! This sickness (mention it) is not unto my destruction because the Lord has delivered me from my destruction, in Jesus name.