I have found my resting place in Him

I have found my resting place in Him


 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matt.11:28.

Are you “laden,” or “heavy laden” with sin, fear, and cares of the world? Hear what He says to you: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." - Matt.11.28.

 What an invitation; if you come to Him with your heavy load, He will unload you. Jesus has borne the crushing mass of our sin that we might no longer carry it. He made Himself the great Burden-bearer that everyone that is laden might cease from bowing down from the enormous weight of sin.

As many that are saved find rest in Jesus. Those who are not saved can only receive rest if they come to Jesus Christ. Nothing can be as free as a gift. Jesus gave His life to us as a precious Gift. We do ourselves a great deal of good if we gladly accept what He has done. It's neither for sale nor for hire but free for everyone to receive as a gift. He has promised to set us free from whatever bondage we find ourselves and He's ever ready to give us rest.

     Jesus is the only One that gives rest. Come unto Jesus and put aside every other option. As we come to Him, it's certain that the rest which He will give us is everlasting.

      Today is the day of salvation and tomorrow may be too late. Are you facing some kind of trouble or adversity? Know that God is ever ready to succor you. Look unto Him for help. He will be your ever-present Help because He is forever faithful to His Word. Hallelujah!

 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." - Ps.46:1.

Trust that He has the answer and that He is working everything out in your favor.


Thank You Heavenly Father, for it's only in You, O Lord that I find my resting place, in Jesus Mighty name.