"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."  - Psalms 118:24 (KJV)

Do men sincerely appreciate and acknowledge that each and every day of our lives have been given to us by God? To me, this is the starting point if we desire not only to see God at work in our lives, but also to enjoy each and every successive day as they graciously come our way.

       One of the ways to serve God is to acknowledge Him, not only as our Creator, but also as the Source of the good benefits of life. The Bible says that it is God that gives us richly all things to enjoy (1Tim 6:17).

When Israel was on her way to the Promised Land (it's settled that the Promised Land stands for the good things of life and not a picture of Heaven as some had erroneously believed), God told them to acknowledge Him.

"But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power ..." - Deuteronomy 8:18 (KJV)

The Hebrew word used in this verse for "remember" is "zakar" which means to "recognize" to be "mindful" to "mention". This is to mean that before we embark on the journey through our day, it's imperative that we remember, recognize or be mindful of God as not only the Giver of the day, but also the One whom we trust to lead us through it.

Nothing can be as assuring as to step into the dawn of a new day, and with due humility, you acknowledge or remember, mention, or recognize God as your Lord, Source and Helper for the day. Doing so  brings the day before the Lord and all that is therein or that is about it. It's another way of telling God that you are trusting Him for the events of the day, no matter what they may prove to be! When you do this, God takes over the affairs of the day and in His Wisdom, will direct your ways. The Scriptures say, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." - Proverbs 3:6 (KJV).

    Having God to direct your paths in life can be very interesting and rewarding! This is another way to say, Lord you are my Shepherd! If the Lord is acknowledged and confessed as your Shepherd for the day, you can be rest assured that you will truly "rejoice and be glad in it" (Ps 118:24). This is so because throughout the day, the One who is your Shepherd will take over the day, provide for you, guide you, support you, protect you, empower you for the tasks of the day, amongst other beautiful provisions promised us in Ps 23!


  I pray for everyone reading this devotional today, that as you acknowledge or recognize the Lord as the Giver of this and every other successive day of your lifetime, may you truly "rejoice and be glad in it", in Jesus' mighty name.