I give You all the glory

I give You honor

I give You all the glory

I  give You honor


"Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD." (First Samuel chapter 2 verse 12)

 "And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slained. (First Samuel chapter 4 verse 11)

Our Scripture reading this morning makes us understand that Prophet Eli did not honor the Lord in the matter of his household and office; and his sons' conducts were not worthy of the dignity of their sacred office. By their conduct, they despised the Lord and therefore, the Lord did not honor them either. The Lord took the High priesthood out of their family and made young Samuel to be ruler in the land instead.

      Those that are on the path of dishonor can never find it rosy in life. Yes, that is the truth. They may look plump and happy on the outside, but that is often deceptive. Deep down, they are in torment. The end of such people is often disastrous.

    There are two sides of a coin, the head and the tail. This can represent the good and the bad; in other words, those that honor God and those that do not honor Him.

   From the time of old, there have always been those who honor God and those who do not honor Him. God, in the same manner, has always put a great difference between His children and the children of the world. "And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there; to the end thou mayest know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth." (Exodus chapter 8 verse 22)

  In the land of Egypt; the people of God were under a different atmosphere (atmosphere of peace and joy) while the Egyptians were under another different atmosphere (atmosphere of torture and discomfiture).

   This is a very great lesson to every one of us. Together with our household, we must not tread on the part of disobedience or dishonor. We must honor the Lord in all things. It may interest you to know that God has reserved dignity, glory, honor and immortality for those who, by holy obedience, take care to honor Him in their lives.


Father in Heaven, teach me the way to honor You so that it might be well with me in Jesus Mighty name