“...except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” (Psalm 127 stanza 1)


Ordinarily, today’s devotional would have been the second part of the devotional of the 5th day of December, 2023, titled “Let the Lord build it for you”. But because today's Scripture reading is talking about "watching" and not building, I decided to let it go separate.

There’s something about allowing God to do something for you. When you allow the Lord to work in your place, you get the best of the situation because there’s no way a man can be a match to God, His Maker. Most importantly, unlike man, none of God's efforts can be in vain. Whatever it is that you value much in life, it’s only wise to bring it under God’s watch.

    For instance, our Scripture reading for today says “...except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” We know that to keep a city safe we appoint men to keep watch over it, which isn’t a small task. To be able to do so effectively entails among other things, that the watchmen assigned the responsibility should not sleep, but be awake both day and night in order to secure the peace and the security of the city. But certainly, it's trite that men are subject to varying weaknesses, and to sleep and to slumber are weaknesses that men are avowedly known for. With the Lord, this is not so. The Bible tells us in Psalm 121 verse 4 as follows:

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

     If God, the Keeper of Israel neither slumber nor sleep, is it not reasonable to put the city or that valuable possessions of yours under His care? The central truth drawn from Psalm 121 in its entirety is that the Lord is a reliable Helper. The second stanza to Psalm 121 states that

My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.”

  With the Lord, Who is Maker of Heaven and the Earth as our Helper, there’s no reason whatsoever for anxiety and fear. Are you scared about your life and what’s in stock ahead of you? As you make the Lord God of Israel your Watchman, He is able to protect you, regardless of what lies ahead. The Bible says that “He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:” (Psalms 121 stanza 2). This is definitely all encompassing! The Lord God Almighty, the Keeper of Israel, in whom you have put your trust will watch over everything about you. He will not suffer your foot to be moved in any area of your life in Jesus name.

      Men may come in to assist you in whatever way they may, but none is like the help by the Lord GOD Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and the Earth, the Most High, Who is our Helper and Keeper. It's further promised that

The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” Amen.


Lord, I surrender my life and all that is mine unto You. May You watch over me and all that is mine, in Jesus name.