"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." - Jer 29:11

This is the concluding part of the series I began with some days ago.

     I have endeavored in these series to prove that it is sheer foolishness for anyone to charge the Lord with delay. Those who do so are without knowledge and CANNOT be said to be believers! To count as a believer entails trusting in the Lord, amongst other things.

          Every believer has to learn to trust and wait on the Lord to the very end. Did you get that? I repeat it again: 'Every believer has to learn to trust and wait on the Lord to the very end.' Job knew this too well when he said: "Though He slay me, yet will l trust in Him: but I will maintain mine own ways before Him" (Job 13:15).

      The principle of waiting on the Lord forms a cardinal aspect of our faith in Christ. It depicts submission! Once you cannot submit, it shows that you are the master! But we all have the Lord Jesus for our Master, except if your confession of Him as Lord is vain and untrue! His Lordship over your life demands a corresponding obedience and submission to Him. Period!

        Whatever you may be going through, l write to reveal to you that heaven expects you to wait on the Lord till He shows up for you. "... ALL THE DAYS OF MY APPOINTED TIME WILL I WAIT, TILL MY CHANGE COMES ", says Job (Job 14:14). All the days of my appointed time? Oh yes! This means all the days of your being! It's therefore not Christian to give up! When you give up on the Lord, you simply have lost your savour as a Christian. Besides, Jesus said "And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" (Matt 11:6). This is very insightful! We must go on trusting and waiting.

     Has God not promised never to leave us or forsake us till He has performed that which He has spoken? (Genesis 28:15, Hebrews 13:5). Has He not also said that for sure, there is an end and that YOUR EXPECTATION SHALL NOT be cut off? (Proverb 23:18). Again, hear Him: "For l know the thoughts that l think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, TO GIVE YOU AN EXPECTED END "(Jeremiah 29:11).

         The worst disservice you can do to yourself as a child of God is for you to be in a hurry, step into your case and abandon God's will for you. Never try to help God to fulfill His will in your life. Rather, a calm repose of trusting and waiting will serve you better! We know of the terrible consequences that followed Rebecca's antics or schemes toward fulfilling the destiny of Jacob in Genesis 27! Apart from the consequences serving to haunt Jacob for a good part of his life, Rebecca did not live to see the return of Jacob from Padanaram.

         One terrible consequence of being in a hurry and not waiting on God is that you may get ISHMAEL with all the attendant troubles, whilst God's intention for you is ISAAC (Laughter)!

        Finally, let's emulate David who waited for over 16 years before he finally ascended the throne of Israel despite that God had anointed him King long before. The encounter he had with God in the period of waiting served him well as King of Israel, hence he was the best King that Israel ever had! This will be your testimony also as you continue to trust and wait on the Lord. Your waiting shall be fruitful and never be in vain in Jesus name.


Happy New Month!


Dearest Heavenly Father, my entire hope is in you; so therefore, I wait for you. I trust wholeheartedly in you. Have your way in my life LORD, in Jesus mighty name.