"Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it:" (Psalms 127 stanza 1, King James Version).


We will save ourselves a great deal of trouble and disappointment in life as we take heed to God's Word, especially the Scripture reading for today. Do you seek to do anything? Perhaps, you are in ministry and you wish to embark on a project for the Lord, you will do well to have this Scripture for your guide in all that you do. Unfortunately, so many people take decisions, embark on projects, most times for the Lord without His express approval.

    I don't know who's reading this devotional today. I counsel you to see to it always that the Lord is in whatever you do in life. It's been the bane of men without numbers who have assumed God's approval to what they do, whereas, the situation is far from being so. Notice in Psalms 27 stanza 1 that the project was executed all right. The building was built. Nonetheless, the Bible says that "they labour in vain that build it" because the Lord wasn't in it.

      Nothing is as frustrating as to labour in vain. It portends or indicates failure. Apart from the time wasted, scarce resources are negligently squandered; all because God is not involved in the task. Most times, we assume that God's approval is in what we do. This is very wrong. It's our responsibility to ensure that He's not only with us in whatever we do, but that He's the One actually directing the affairs of the project. This requires that we have a living relationship with God, coupled with the ability to receive from Him day to day instructions on the affairs of our lives.

     Most times in life, especially in ministry, we may find ourselves doing what is apparently good and laudable, but it is not the Lord's plan at all. As the chips are down eventually, we discover that what we have engaged in is at best, man's plan. God is not involved at all! Sometimes, God may have given us initial instructions, but as time went by, we went haywire because we assumed that He was still with us. The antidote for such situations is to ensure that we are not presumptuous, but ever seeking His will.

     Another point that is worthy of note about Psalms 27 stanza 1 is that the builder will labor to build it because God is not in it. When you get God involved in whatever you do, He gets it done for you effortlessly. With Him in it, you'll find yourself not having to lie, cheat, cut corners or do other unwholesome things. When you seek Him for direction, don't move until you hear from Him. Don't be in a hurry to get things done. If truly the project is His, then you must prove it by your dependence on Him for your next move and your next supplies. Find out what His plan is before you ever begin to build and learn to stay put by constantly ensuring that your next move is approved by Him.

Don't pursue a wrong plan and expect God to back you up. God will never do so. There's a whole lot of blessing in doing things with God. Praise the Lord!



Dear Lord, I seek You with a surrendered heart to reveal Your plans to me. Help me to follow Your plans for me in life, in Jesus name.