"When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take Him by force, to make Him a king, He departed again into a mountain Himself alone''

(John 6 verse 15, King James Version).

The following is a piece that was penned by one Afolabi Segun Paul and I decided to share it for your spiritual enlightenment.

"Sometimes promotion may actually be a demotion.

There are people who mean well for you and will do anything possible to get you to a prominent place because of the gift, grace and power of God in your life.

These people can constitute themselves as KINGMAKERS to start a campaign for you to promote you and make you a leader, officer, king.

    But indirectly the promotion may be a demotion, if you don't know where God had destined for you.

     Where God has destined for you is greater than where the KINGMAKERS desire to promote you.

   "When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take Him by force, to make Him a king, He departed again into a mountain Himself alone'' (John 6 verse 15)

    Jesus rejected the KINGMAKERS and their promotion because He knew God had a greater place for Him. The people wanted to make Him king of Palestine but God's will is to make Jesus the KING OF THE WORLD.

     Which one is greater, the king of Palestine or the King of the whole world?.

If Jesus had accepted the offer, He would have demoted Himself.

      How many great men of God have fallen into this pit of PROMOTION and have lost the greater place God has destined for them..

    It is a pity many struggled to become leaders by raising political members who are the KINGMAKERS to make them leaders or kings but they later regretted.

   What some of us don't understand is that what we stand to lose is greater than what we stand to gain.

       Beware of men who see great potential in you and come to persuade you to be leader or king. They have good intentions but it may not be the perfect will of God for you.

    And it may have nothing to do with your ministry. In truth, the promotion may drag your ministry backwards.

    Know the plan of God for your life and ministry before accepting the proposals of the KINGMAKERS.

     This is the end time, don't sacrifice your destiny, ministry and eternity for promotion that may be demotion in disguise.

   Don't allow people to make you what God has not destined for you no matter how great it might be."

- Afolabi Segun Paul


Lord, give me to know Your will for me. Give me also the understanding to identify earthly proposals that appear to be promotion, whereas they are a demotion in disguise, and the courage to say no to them, in Jesus name.