"Follow me, and I will make you ..." - Matt 4:19.

The Lord called us to follow Him. As the Shepherd of our souls, we owe the Lord our absolute dedication by way of obedience. When we do this, we expect Him to take us safely to the shores, despite the barrage of life's challenges. The Shepherd of our souls knows the way that we should take! Indeed, He's the Way, Truth and Life. As His followers, our responsibility is to follow Him with unquestionable obedience, though we have reasons to doubt or question circumstances He allows to come our way.

There are two kinds of people you need in life, if you must succeed! In the Lord's Wisdom, He brings them across your path of life to help you. Not to have them may lead to stunted progress in your walk in life.

      (1) YOU NEED AN ENEMY: An enemy is a necessary evil. He serves to prop you out of your comfort zone. He is deliberately placed by your side to literally squeeze out of you to showcase the great potentials that God loaded in you, which until so squeezed, remain dormant in you, serving no useful purpose. David, without Goliath, would in all his lifetime have remained a shepherd boy! (see 1 Samuel 17)

      God never posts an enemy beside you and leaves you at the enemy's mercy. Rather, He watches over your affairs with the enemy and ensures that whatever your enemy means for evil, He (God) turns it for your good. For instance, God turned Joseph's enemies' deeds against him for good, using them as tools for the fulfillment of his destiny. Understand friends, that you are nobody until you are the focus of your enemy! This may sound very paradoxical, yet true! The usual prayer of most saints is against their enemy; but in truth, you need an enemy, if you are to make appreciable progress in life. God has a way of using their hateful acts to bring out the best in you and for you. Any wonder the Bible tells us that "all things work together for the good" of the child of God?

        (2) YOU NEED A MENTOR: He serves as a human guide to your destiny! A mentor is simply one whom you admire and who will help you to arrive where he already is. A good mentor will help you to have almost at no costs what it cost him much to acquire. He sees mentoring as service to God! As you submit to him, God uses him to lead you through the challenges of life that He permits to come your way, challenges that the human mentor had previously gone through in life, with success.

      We all need a human mentor in life. You will need to pursue him because he has what you need. Elisha pursued Elijah until he received the double portion of anointing. (See 2Kings 2) Apostle Paul was a father to many (see 1 Cor 4:15).

      As you think on these, have a blessed Sunday service in Jesus mighty name..


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing my way all and every instrument that you'll use to actualize my destiny, Jesus Christ name.