I will sing unto the LORD, a joyful song, and I will praise His name for the LORD is good.


"This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise." Isaiah  43 verse 21.

Every creature is indebted to God for praise. God created us in His image and likeness. Out of His love, He  gave His only begotten Son for our sake. We owe God much appreciation by way of praise and thanksgiving, so long as we live.

         We were created to show forth God's praise. Praising God is a way to bear fruits unto the Lord. By doing so,  we are fulfilling the purpose for our creation. The praise of God should never cease from our mouths. From our Scripture reading for today, God says, “this people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise”. When we fail or neglect to give God praise, that shows that we are not productive as regards the purpose for which our Maker and Redeemer delights to have us fulfill.

    The book First Peter 2 verse 9 says, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:"

  God did not only make us but also choose us specially as a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that we should show forth the praise of him.

 He called us out of our state of horrid darkness into a state of marvelous light. God has always desired the best for His people. Joy, pleasure, good health, prosperity, and many more are what God wishes that we enjoy so that we can show forth His praise.

Let this mind be in you therefore, that God is preparing the best for you, and that in no distant time, it shall come to pass in Jesus' Mighty name.


Dear Heavenly Father, I receive the grace to be ever productive, fulfilling the purpose for which You created me, in Jesus' Mighty name.