"And these signs shall follow them that believe… They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" - Mark 16:17-18.

And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux: to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him” - Acts 28:8, KJV.

 You are welcome to Part 4 in the series. In Parts 1 & 2 in the series, we were by the Spirit of God able to establish that satan and his cohorts can and does afflict men with illnesses or diseases. We were also able to establish that this is not necessarily a death sentence, despite that the sickness or ailment in question be a terminal or life threatening one. Generally, I make bold to say that as Children of God, we have the ability to kick the devil and his demons out of our lives should we find them meddling with our health. Jesus gave us the authority to cast them out, together with the sicknesses and diseases they cause in the body of their victims.

Today, we will be discussing yet another way to minister healing to the sick. The Lord Jesus gave us to know that it's the prerogative or the appanage of every believer to heal the sick. "And these signs shall follow them that believe… They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" - Mark 16:17-18. What I'm about sharing with you therefore isn't just the prerogative of ministers of the Gospel but it appertains to everyone that believes in Jesus.

    In the ministry of the Lord Jesus, we have ample instances of Him healing the sick by the laying on of His Hands and also of His disciples doing the same. You may check out the following Scriptures: Mark. 5:23; 6:5; 7:32; 8:23, 25; 16:18; Matt. 9:18; Luke 4:40; 13:13; Acts 9:12, 17; 28:8, to attest to this fact.

In Acts 9:12,17 we find Ananias laying his hands on "Brother Saul" (as he then was) in order for the latter to receive his sight. In Acts 28:8, we find Apostle Paul in turn laying his hands on the father of Publius who had laid sick of a fever and of a bloody flux and he was healed.

    I remember one particular instance in my ministry, among very numerous other instances. A middle aged woman had been brought to attend our Healing and Miracle Edition of our program "Beauty For Ashes". She had been bedridden for over 2 years following an inexplicable illness that was said to have befallen her when she bought a sewing machine. They brought her in a tricycle and she was literally carried into the hall by her relatives. When it was time to minister to the sick, I simply laid my hands on her, cast out the spirit of infirmity and commanded her to arise and walk! As I raised her up to stand on her feet, strength came upon her and she walked, listless first but briskly later. The entire hall became animated with praises to the Lord for the healing. She did not only eventually walk on her feet to give her offering to the Lord, but walked home all by herself. Glory to God! This is a feat that every believer should be able to do. It has been procured for us by Jesus! Hallelujah!

Brethren, the truth is that there's something about the laying on of our hands as Christ's followers. In the early Church age, it was a doctrine (Heb 6:2); the Apostles ministered to the Church through the laying on of their hands (Acts 8:18; 1 Tim 4:14). For the Lord Jesus to say that we "... shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover", it means that there's something glorious about our hands. It is something we can't explain. It's a treasure in an earthen vessel! We have something of inestimable value in us, that is far beyond us, it's of God! "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." - 2 Corinthians 4:7 (KJV).

  As believers we are not ordinary people; you’re a divine package of power to bless and heal our sick world. Our hands are healing hands; they are the terminals of divine power. We transmit the power of God unto others as we lay hands on them. Begin to see yourself as a channel through whom the divine presence and power of God is made manifest to those around you. Hallelujah!


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for making me a blessing to my generation. My hands are not ordinary hands. They are full of your power. I lay them on the sick and they recover, in Jesus mighty name.