"Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases." - Luke 9:1(KJV).

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." - Mark 16:17-18 (KJV)

In the Part 2 of this series, we endeavored to show that satan inflicts people with illnesses and diseases. We did say further that this is not the end of the story. The Lord Jesus overcame the devil for us, and that we have a way out of illnesses and diseases. Indeed, once we discover that someone's malady is traced to demons, we see it as a simple and easy matter to handle.

I remember some years ago how a lady was hospitalized on account of some sickness that defied medical solutions. Besides, nothing could actually be discovered as being the matter with her, but she was dying. I had visited the hospital with this lady's Pastor, to pray for her. As I was praying, I laid hands on her and she began to show evidence of demonic activity against her life. Thereupon, I requested her Pastor to demand for her immediate discharge from the hospital. We took her home and prayed for her; and in the Name of Jesus casting out the demon that was manifesting in her life. Immediately thereafter, she recovered her health. Time would fail me to narrate the full story of the spiritual encounter with the demon in her case.

    The point is, Jesus gave us power over the devil and his demons. "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases." - Luke 9:1(KJV).

   In the Part 2 of our series, we have been able to establish that demons can be responsible for illnesses and diseases. We have also been able to establish that demonic afflictions often take the character of the demons involved. Many illnesses have a life force (spirit) which came from Satan. This life force is a demon. If you put such sickness under a microscope, you will not see the spirit (life) that animates it. But you will see the effect of that spirit. You will see the damage that it does to the body. But the moment that wicked spirit (demon) is cast out of that body, the sickness dies. Consequently, it will pass out through the body. It dies because it has no more spirit, it has no more life. When life is gone out of it, it will wither up and go away - James 2:26.

    The Lord Jesus told us that in His Name, we shall cast out devils (Mk 16:17). Once the spirit that's responsible for the infirmity is cast out in the Name of the Lord Jesus, the process of healing begins. So, we see that Divine healing can result from the casting out of the demon that is responsible for the given infirmity.

     For us as ministers of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, the first thing to do when we come across the sick is to discern whether the ailment is demonically inspired or not. Once we can ascertain that this is so, then we are ready to pursue the next line of action, to wit, to cast out the demon at work in the fellow's life. For us, it's the simplest thing to do. We get the demon out of the fellow in the authority of the Name of Jesus. There's tremendous power in the Name of Jesus Christ; and even the devil knows it! The Name of Jesus is the greatest weapon at the disposal of every born again child of God. Glory to God!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of Jesus. Thank you for the power in His Name at my disposal to dislodge satan and his cohorts. In His Name, I have the answer to illnesses and diseases, in Jesus mighty Name.