Into my heart, into my heart.

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.

Come in today, come in to stay.

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.


 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" - 2Cor.5:17

  We sometimes fall into the trap of thinking we are the worst people on the face of the earth and that nobody does as many wrong things as we do.

   But Romans 3:23 says "that all have sinned and fall short of the glory (excellence) of God." Every man, woman, or child who was ever born, or ever will be born, has a problem with sin. But the good news is that God has provided an answer to our dilemma. When we have this understanding, our hearts will rejoice and the seeds of revival will begin to yield fruits. In any case, our lives are radically changed through understanding the righteousness of God. It’s a game changer. The moment anyone comes to understand this expression, it changes such a person's life. It certainly changed mine.

In the Bible reading for today, Apostle Paul makes us understand that it doesn't matter how you were, who gave birth to you, or what happened before you were born. Your being born again has made you a new creation.

Some people are afraid of change, while others believe change is not possible. Yet the wonderful news is that with God’s help you can change. This change is key to a vibrant spiritual life, growth and transformation. It is not just about changing our actions or appearance; we need to change on the inside, we need a change of heart. How can this happen?

It's by yielding ourselves totally to the HOLY GHOST who is our Helper, by whom we were made new in the first place. When we are born again, Christ comes to take His dwelling on the inside of us.

Note, Regenerating grace creates a new world in the soul; all things become new. The renewed man acts from new principles, by new rules, with new ends, and finds himself in a new company.

 In Christ we see strength; others may be weak but we are strong to move on.


Thank you Heavenly Father for the new life you have given to me in Christ Jesus. I receive abundant grace live it to the fullest in Jesus Mighty name 🙏.