"As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth," - Isaiah 59:21 (KJV)

The ministry of the Word of God and that of His Spirit in the Christian life is very vital. Unfortunately, in the Christian experience, only a few have discovered the enormity of their influence as two great Agents of change.

       Let me mention at this point that the Bible clearly shows us that anything and everything in life can be  changed. The only exception is God! Malachi 3:6 reveals that God doesn't change.

"... I am the LORD, I change not;"

It's therefore comforting to know that everything else is subject to change. In other words, you can change whatever it is in your life that you don't want to continue to be. The Scriptures says that,

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:18.

Almost all the things which we experience in life are things that are seen (things that are sensual; ie, things that are governed by the five senses) Is it your health, finances, family issues, employment, education, etc. They are matters that are changeable.  The Bible says that "... we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:18.

Actually, Christians shouldn't bother themselves with things that are sensual (things governed by the five senses) because they are "temporal", which means, that they are not permanent, they are for a while, they endure for a time, for a season. They are subject to change. It's good news to hear that whatever adverse physical situation you currently find yourself in is temporal, meaning, it's subject to change. You can change anything. Everything that is of the senses, that can be seen, felt, tasted, heard and smelt is temporal and therefore, subject to change. Physical conditions like sicknesses, poverty, pains, bad news, unemployment, singleness etc are temporal. You can change them by believing God's report (God's Word), receiving it, confessing it and acting on it. To so many people, what I'm sharing with you now is unbelievable! The Scriptures say, "who hath believed our report?"  - Isa 53:1.

      Too many people are looking at the wrong things. The Christian life is not one that is focused on the senses, on things, inter-alia, that can be seen, felt or heard. Rather, it is a life  that focuses on the unseen realities of life - 2 Cor 4:18. It is a higher life that transcends the physical or the senses. It is a walk of faith - 2 Cor 5:7. To walk in faith is an integral law of the spirit. Indeed, by the instrumentality of faith, we pull out from the realm of unseen realities all we desire into the realm of reality. This is how we function. Actuality, we were born into that dimension, the Fourth Dimension, the Dimension of faith. This is God's Dimension. He functions there - Heb 11:3 and He is pleased with those who function there also - Heb 11:6. Once we got born again, this realm, the realm of faith, otherwise known as the Fourth Dimension, becomes our dwelling; hallelujah!

    Now, God has given us the ministry of His Word and that of His Spirit to change whatever we desire to change. Basically, God's Word is His will for us. This is to mean that if you find yourself in any situation of life that is unpleasant, all that you need to do is to find out what God's position is about that matters and start believing and confessing it. We have been assured that God's Word will never return unto Him void but shall accomplish what it says (Isaiah 55:11) See also Isa 55:11; Psa 147:15; Col 1:6; 1 Thess 2:13; Heb 4:12.

Is this not the reason why God told Joshua to not let the Word to depart from his mouth, seeing that the constant meditation thereof will make him prosperous and to have good success? (Joshua 1:8). Is this also not the reason why the Lord says in our Scripture reference above that "... this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; ...  my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth," - Isaiah 59:21. Hear it again "my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth,". The  Lord knows that as we believe His Word and as we affirm and confess it constantly, we are in for a life of success and testimonies. "Who hath believed our report?", the Bible says (Isa 53:1). Indeed, the devil has no answer to what I'm sharing with you. Believe God's Word and confess it constantly.

      Unfortunately, many Christians are destitute of the Word. But Col 3:16 tells us to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom ... ". The Word of God has been given to us to change unpleasant situations in life. Get a hold of God's Word, employ it in prayers and meditation and you're in for great miracles.

Have a wonderful day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I receive your Word into my spirit and I employ the ministry of the Word to change my ugly situations, in Jesus name.