Where He leads me, I will follow

Where He leads, I'll follow

Where He leads, I'll follow

Where He leads me, I will follow

Follow Jesus everywhere


I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye

.-Psalms  32:8

God is ever interested in instructing us who are called by His name, because He does not want us to make mistakes.

 Our obedience to His instructions brings glory to His name and blessings to us.

There are some people praying for the Lord to lead them but do not listen for His instructions. Instead, they make their own decision and trust that He will bless it. God is ever willing and ready to lead as many that seek His guidance.

In the book of Ps.25.4, the Bible says, "Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." The Psalmist has tasted of God's awesomeness, he never wanted to miss out of His graciousness and thereby had this to say of Him "teach me thy path, lead me in thy truth for thou are the God of my salvation."

If we, like the Psalmist can sincerely ask for His guidance, we can be sure of perfect results or outcomes. But expecting God to bless what is not of Him will lead to missing out on His best. In order to avoid mistakes, we must be aware of several pitfalls that may interfere with our hearing His direction accurately.

For us to be perfectly led by God, there are certain things we must take into consideration

  Firstly, do not forget to employ the ministry of the Holy Spirit; in other words, be mindful of fleshly desires. Wants are not necessarily wrong, but longings become unhealthy when they consume our thoughts. Eventually, we might believe that our desired outcome is God’s will, when in reality, we weren’t really listening to His voice.

 Secondly, be very careful not to be carried away by faulty advice. Even well-meaning Christian friends can lead us in the wrong direction. We should carefully seek counsel from those who walk closely with Jesus and are grounded in His Word.

Thirdly, be careful when you are feeling impatient, doubtful, or pressured in any way. These emotions can lead you to make rash decisions apart from the Lord’s best for your life. Patience is hard, but His perfect will is always worth the wait.

NOTE :Determine to follow God’s leading. Do this by cleansing your heart, asking for guidance, waiting, and listening.


Dear Heavenly Father, I have chosen to be led by You to the fulfillment of my destiny, because it's in You I have my being in Christ Jesus. 🙏 🙏 🙏