I will follow You

I will follow You

I will never leave You Jesus

I will follow You.


"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye." ( Psalm chapter 32 stanza 8)

 Thank God Almighty who has committed Himself to instruct us in the way that we should go. There is the way that we should go and it's great to know that He will do even as He has said. All we need to do is to commit ourselves to Him and we can be rest assured that He will give us insight into every area of our lives.

      Basically, the Lord seeks to instruct, teach and guide us through His Word (Psalms 119 stanzas 105 and 130) and by His Spirit (Proverbs 20 verse 27). God who created us knows all that He has destined us to be in life, It is therefore imperative that we depend on Him to instruct us on the steps to take in order for us to fulfill our destinies. How wonderful and fulfilling it is to allow the Lord to instruct, teach and guide us in life.

     Fallen humanity has found itself completely estranged from God, with divergent ways and thoughts. God rightly says in Isaiah chapter 55 verses 8 to 9, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

       Certainly, God's thoughts towards us are of good not of evil and they are such as to give us an expected end (Jeremiah 29 verse 11). That being the case, the question is, are you sincerely allowing the Lord to have His way in your life? Will you allow Him to instruct, teach and guide you?

     It's most advisable to allow God

to manage your life so as to avoid pitfalls and mistakes that result from ignorance and incognizance, "for ye have not passed this way heretofore." (Joshua 3 verse 4) Problems and adversities must arise in life (see Job chapter 5 verse 7 and chapter 14 verse 1). At such times,  the tendency is there for us, like Esau, to seek for the quickest and easiest solutions or escape routes out of our challenges and predicaments. In doing so, we often end up trading God's best for a morsel. This is true because the Bible says that "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."

 (Proverbs chapter 14 verse 12 and chapter 16 verse 25).

        GOD has promised to guide us through our lives. Even when those challenges we encounter seem to require urgent responses, we should endeavor to yield and wait patiently for His plans to unfold, so we may act in line with His counsel and to do so at the appointed time.


Dear Heavenly Father, I surrender all to You. May You lead me in life through Your instructions, and guidance, in Jesus name.