" ...And Jabez called on the God of Israel... " - I Chronicles 4:9-10

When the Bible says that Jabez was more honorable than his brethren, what is meant, inter-alia, is that he was different from them, being much more eminent. His eminence amongst his brethren was the product of divine grace. He had the God of Israel's intervention in his life's situation. He had a reputation for piety, righteousness and abounded in good works so much that in l Chronicles 2:55, we find a city named after him! What a pleasant life!

       But this was not so with Jabez at the beginning. Many a time, the lives of great men were never pleasant at their early stages in life. Often, the harder the beginning, the sweeter the end. So you see, your yesterday has little to do with your tomorrow.

       All children are born in sorrow (Genesis 3:16), but the case of Jabez was exceptionally bad. Usually, the sorrow in bearing is soon afterwards forgotten for the joy that a child is born (John 16:21), but the sorrow that accompanied Jabez's birth was not forgotten easily. Indeed, his name was given to him to commemorate the hardship and sorrow that prevailed in the family (l Chronicles 4:9). Like Nabal, who was foolish as his name meant (l Samuel 25:25), so it was with Jabez; for sorrow followed Him wherever he went. Yet, Jabez did not relax over his situation.

      But Jabez, determined to change his circumstances, drew closer and prayed to the God of Israel and his prayers were answered (verse 9). Today, he is a reference point to us all, through whom the God of Israel is depicted as a prayer answering God; whose example of prayer preachers would like to refer to. The secret of Jabez was that HE CALLED ON THE GOD OF ISRAEL. Can we be like Jabez in prayers?

     No matter your situation in life, take a  positive stance on the matter of prayers. Refuse to accept your situation as final, though it may be serious or congenital. Call on the God of Israel who has promised to hear you (Jeremiah 33:3). May He hear you as you pray, in Jesus name, amen.


Father, l call on you over the circumstances of my life (mention them), and l believe you have heard me even as you did to Jabez, in Jesus name