"For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." - Mark 11:23-24

So many don't know that whatever they say in prayers, that's what they'll get by way of answer. Maybe out of ignorance or whatever else, people tend to pray the problem they have; rather than pray the solution that they wish to see. Don't pray the problem, pray for the answer!

     Imagine a mother that desires her son to be delivered from alcohol and drugs makes a request for prayer: "Pastor, can you please pray for my son. I've been praying for him for years now. His case is getting worse. He is not getting any better." This is exactly her prayer before the Lord; she prays the problem rather than what she desires to happen to her son. Don't be surprised to see the son's "case getting worse and not getting better" as she had confessed.

      But the Word teaches that we shall have what we say (Mark 11:23). With a prayer of that sort, you can see the mistake she made. The Lord Jesus said, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Obviously,she didn't desire for her son to get meaner, did she? But why was she praying that way? She was deceived by satan and would be held in bondage by the words of her own mouth. In fact, she was holding her son in bondage also. She had taken him out of God's hands and He couldn't work on her behalf because in prayer she was saying the things she did not desire. She was holding fast to the problem rather than what she desired to see happen. Since she has prayed, speaking negatively, she will simply receive and have what she says!

      Perhaps, she could have prayed this way: "Father, I desire my son to be set free from alcohol and drugs and filled with your Spirit. I ask You to send laborers across his path to witness to him. As I am praying right now, I believe you have done it and I receive it, in Jesus mighty Name, amen." In this case,  God will be bound to answer her according to her desire and confession.

         So many of us when we pray are rather complaining, thinking we are praying. We tell God our problems. In Matthew 6:7-8, 31-32, Jesus said that the Father already knows the problem.

He already knows what you need before you ask Him - Matt 6:7-8. That being so, then there is no need to pray the problem. What we need to do is to concentrate on what we desire. Pray and speak the answer, what you desire to see happen and you'll see it happen.

       Have a beautiful day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, once again, thank you for the privilege of prayer. As I pray my desire, I receive answers to my prayers, in Jesus name.