"By the Word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the Breath of His mouth " - Psalm 33:6

Anyone desiring to effect a change in the affairs of life MUST appreciate and embrace the ministries of the Word of God and that of His Spirit. Such an attitude, for the Christian, should go without saying, since it forms the rudiment of the Christian culture. But to pass it on for granted nowadays without constant emphasis is a big mistake and tantamounts to ignoring the goal of Satan the devil, to wit, that we all wallow in defeat and captivity. Satan will do every thing possible to make you ignore the ministries of the Word of God and that of His Spirit, so that you'll perpetually remain defeated in life; for he knows that therein lies your salvation!

        In Psalm 33:6, above cited, where the English translation says "breath", the Hebrew can also mean "Spirit". In other words, the two great Agents of creation that brought the entire universe into being are the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. No creation could have taken place in Genesis 1:2-3 without the active participation of the Spirit and the Word of God. "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters " (Genesis 1:2).

    In the same vein, the formlessness, emptiness, darkness and the void that characterize your life will remain without change except you activate the power of the Word and the Spirit of God in your life! Through these two great Agents, God achieved a great feat, turning an otherwise undesirable earth into a masterpiece of beauty. God expect you to do the same to your life by being filled first with His Spirit before you can employ the Word of God to cause a change to that ugly circumstance of life. That is the biblical order laid down for us to follow!

     These two Agents both have to be present before you can experience the desired change you seek. Two great questions that need to be answered are: (1) How much of God's Word dwells in you? Col 3:16 admonishes us to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly. (2) Are you baptized in the Holy Spirit? If so, do you daily employ the Spirit in prayer? Getting one filled with the Spirit is one thing, but availing oneself of the Holy Spirit's help is another. Simply put, do you pray in other tongues or do you allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you? 

    Having the Word without the Spirit will not help. Neither vice-versa! You'll note in Genesis 1:2-3 that "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters", signifying that God's Spirit was already actively at work when God spoke the Word, saying "Let there be Light; and there was Light ". The active presence of the Spirit of God in your life will make your spoken word (prayer) yield tremendous results for all to see. With the Spirit's anointing, your word cannot but be fulfilled.

       So therefore, in whatever area of life that you desire a change, activate and employ the ministries of the Word and the Spirit of God and you'll be surprised at the results.

Wishing you a blessed day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I receive grace to pray your Word and your Spirit, in Jesus name.