" ... Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?" - Isa 53:1 (KJV)

 Prophet Isaiah began the redemption chapter with the question:

"Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?" - Isa 53:1. The report is that Christ has borne our problems, including our sins, sicknesses, poverty and what have you! If that's the report and it's true, then it's worth publishing and blessed are those that believe it. What stands between God's promises and their fulfillment in our lives is the faith with which to receive them.

     The greatest obstacle to the faith of many Christians seeking God's intervention in their lives is the uncertainty in their minds as to whether it's the will of God to do for them what they desire of Him. This was the case of the leper in Matt 8:1-4. His question was "Lord, if though wilt, thou canst make me clean" (Matt 8:2). He was cork sure that the Lord could heal him. But what he wasn't sure of was if it was Jesus' will to heal him. The first thing Jesus did was to correct his uncertainty, saying "I will''. This is the position of many of us today in our relationship with God.

        Let's get this straight! It's impossible to boldly claim by faith something from God when you're not sure that it's God's will for you to have that thing. The reason for this is that God's blessings can be claimed only where the will of God is known, trusted, and acted upon. This culminates in faith, without which you get nothing from God.

       If you don't know that God, through Jesus, has rolled away your problems, it becomes difficult for you to live in victory. If you want to know God's will for you in any area of your life, you take a look at His will, the Bible. The Bible, especially the New Testament is the avowed declaration of God's will for us about redemption from the devil and his cohorts. In other words, the Word of God is the report about His will for us. The question is, do we believe God's report? Isaiah asked the question, "Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?" - Isa 53:1 (KJV).

     Do you believe that in Christ Jesus, God has rolled away your problems? Take a look at the entire gamut of the Scriptures. They attest unequivocally to this wonderful fact. You'll do well to look at them. Many times, God's Word to us is "Behold"! It means to look. Until the women disciples of Jesus in Mark 16:3-4 looked, they didn't see that the stone was rolled away. In the same vein, it is when you look at the Scriptures that you will behold your total deliverance in Christ. Get acquainted with God's Word and you'll come to the understanding of your total liberation in Christ Jesus.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I believe Your report as contained in Your Word for me. It forms the basis of my faith for my miracle, in Jesus' Mighty Name.