" ... According to your faith be it unto you." - Matthew 9:28-29 (KJV).

Satan's aim in bringing problems our way is to frustrate, hinder and discourage us as children of God. But do we let satan have his way? Of course, no.

       This is the part 2 of the Easter series titled "Your Problem Has Been Rolled Away". You will do well to freshen by taking a look at part 1 in the series, published on April 7, 2023. There, we noted that the women disciples of Jesus had a task to perform: it was to anoint the Body of Jesus with spices (see Mark 16:1-4). They knew that Jesus' tomb had been sealed with a great stone, and to them, even to anyone else, that would be a big problem. But in spite of that, they went ahead anyway to the tomb to anoint Jesus. Some of us, upon hearing that the tomb had been sealed, wouldn't dare to make any attempt at the task. The knowledge that the tomb had been sealed with a great stone was enough to put some of us out of action. "Lord, you are aware that a great stone has been put to seal the tomb. With that stone there, we can't do the anointing of Jesus, though we wish we could".

       On the contrary, these women didn't allow that to deter them. They went ahead with their plan to finish the embalming of the Master on Easter Sunday. This was great faith at work, the kind that God would always be pleased with. In response thereto, the Lord went ahead of them and sent an angel to remove the stone with which the tomb had been sealed. According to the Bible, faith pleases God:

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." - Hebrews 11:6 (KJV).

   Wherever God sees faith at work, He does marvelous things in response thereto. Four men broke the roof of the house where Jesus was as they attempted to bring their friend to Him for healing. The Bible says that when Jesus saw their faith, He healed him (Mark 2:1-12). God responds to faith wherever He finds it. To the two blind men that cried after Jesus for healing, His response was:

"Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you." - Matthew 9:28-29 (KJV).

Let's take a lesson from these women disciples of Jesus that went to the tomb to anoint Him despite that they knew that a great stone had been used to seal it. What's that problem before you that seems so imposing? To me, it's not really about whether there is a problem in existence or not. It's a settled fact that the devil will always bring problems along the path of the children of God. But the crucial thing to consider as a child of God is that problems are bread for us and because the Lord is with us, we fear them not (Num 14:9). Problems are to us what the fire was to the burning bush that wasn't consumed (Exo  3:3).

     Moreover, it really depends on how you look at the problems. If you consider them as consuming, they will consume you. But if you consider them to be of no consequence in the light of Jesus' victory for us, that He died and resurrected to roll away our problems, the truth of which a plethora of Scriptures attests to, that's what you'll see! The child of God that has this understanding will see victory always, no matter what confronts him as a problem. Hallelujah!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I refuse to be intimidated by whatever problem that the devil may put across my path of life. I see victory all the way, in Jesus' mighty name.