You are the Lord, let your name be glorified.

We give you glory and honor.

You are the Lord, let your name be glorified.


"Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is" (1st Corinthians 3 verses 10 to 15)

Every work shall be tested, whether done in the Church, office, home or school.

 Today´s passage contains a sobering message about heavenly rewards and how they are acquired. Paul is comparing kingdom work to the efforts of a master builder. He says Christ is the only foundation on which to build, but each of us is responsible for the materials we use on that foundation. We can choose to build with wood, hay, and stubble or with gold and costly stones.

   Each man's work will be tested with fire in the judgment in order to determine the quality of the materials used.

 Paul then tells us that if our works survive the trial by fire, we will receive a reward (1st Corinthians 3 verse 14).

For our works to survive, we must learn to build with nonflammable materials. God is not pleased with inferior material or shoddy efforts. We will be judged not just by our church work´ but also by the way we handle other responsibilities, such as our vocation.

    This means that we are to go about our daily jobs with the same diligence that we would show when serving the heavenly Father in spiritual matters. In order to accomplish this, we must avoid practices like criticizing those in authority over us, manipulating circumstances to our own advantage, checking in late, leaving work early, and using company materials for personal projects, using inferior materials to do jobs. This is a test of genuine Christianity.

    Our relationship with people in alI areas of our lives, such as our neighbors and everyone we come in contact with in our works of life, is also very paramount. Such will be taken into consideration to see if they can withstand the test of fire.

We hope that in the end, the result should be commendable, good and a positive one.  Hallelujah 🙌


Holy Spirit, my helper; I beseech you to help me in every area of my Christian life, that my work will not be consumed by fire when tested, in Jesus name.