I will never, never go back to the world.

Never go back to the world. Never go back to the world.

I will never go back to the world, anymore.


"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians chapter 3 verse 14 )

   Every time we take a stand for godliness, we demonstrate our confidence in the heavenly Father. It is good we know for sure that the Lord would always come through for us anytime we take a stand for Him.

In today's reading, we see Paul, a great apostle of Jesus Christ. He declared his relentless efforts saying, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians chapter 3 verse 14)

  To demonstrate that, Paul forsook the worldly glory and approval in order to gain the approval of God through the righteousness that can only be found in Christ. He desired to know more of Jesus Christ in order to do His will. He was not satisfied with an average Christian life. Paul, like Elisha in the Old Testament, burnt the bridge behind him for the purpose of gaining the Kingdom of God. I'm not trying to say that everyone must do the same by quitting jobs for full time ministry, but if the need for that comes to play, I don't think that there's anything too much to give to God. The apostles of old did the same thing. The Bible says,

"And they straightway left their nets, and followed him." (Mathew chapter 4 verse 20)

        It is of utmost importance and necessity for Christians to prove all things in the light of the truth that is revealed in the Bible and thereafter to hold fast to that which is good and acceptable.

   Do you desire to be an outstanding Christian? Then you must possess or rather, take advantage of the Spirit of power, love and of a sound mind made available in Christ Jesus.

 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (Second Timothy chapter 1 verse 7)

       Like we said in our previous message, the three Hebrew children  were bold to take a stand for God, knowing for sure, believing and trusting that He was able to rescue them from the fiery furnace. (Daniel chapter 3 verses 16 to 18).    

    The Spirit of boldness sets you ahead of others, because you know who you are and whose power is dwelling on the inside of you. Allow God’s Word to be rooted in your life so that when others are drawing back, you continue to go forward and higher because there is Someone in you that is not in them. 

     The Holy Spirit was the One who helped the men of old to obtain good reports in their generations. Allow Him to help you today and your life will make a difference.


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the abundant grace that You have made available for me to stand even in the most difficult situation in life, in Jesus Mighty name.