Jesus I love You, all I have is Thine,

Yours, I am, Lord, Yours I want to be.


"And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me." (Mark chapter 10 verse 47) -

 Who is Jesus to you?

Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? There is a great difference between Jesus being our Lord and Him being our Savior. He is expected to be both Lord and Savior to you.

 Many people have Jesus as their Savior but fail to have Him as their Lord. When they are faced with challenges, they place a demand on Jesus to come to their rescue and that's all they need Him for. When it comes to giving their lives to Jesus and making Him their Lord, it becomes another issue altogether.

   I have heard people saying that Jesus is their Friend, others say, He is their Helper, while others say He is their Savior, etc .

  If at some point in your life's journey with the Master, He stops and turns to you, looking straight into your eyes, and asks, "Who am I to you?" What would you have to say to Him?

  Like I said in my previous message about Judas, he saw Jesus as a commodity that he could use to do business. His price tag on Him was thirty pieces of silver. As far as he was concerned, that was what Jesus was worth to him. This, I would say, was a misplacement of priority. It was also a very sad case because Judas had been with Jesus for a period of three years, and yet, thirty pieces of silver was what he deemed Jesus to be worth.

        Many of us in like manner have been with Jesus for some reasonable number of years, and yet we rate Him even lower than Judas did. We claim that we know Him, and that we have walked with Him for so long, but our attitudes are in far contrast to our words.

  At times, it may not necessarily be in the area of money as it was with Judas. It may be a sinful indulgence, one being involved in an unholy act or relationship, by which the name of Christ is soiled.

Many have compromised, under the disguise of "nobody knows me" or "no one sees me" and thereby betrayed the Master. They quickly forget that there is a Big Eye that sees all things.

     The young Joseph didn't fall for that kind of trash! Hear his response to the adulteress:

"There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" (Genesis chapter 39 verse 9)

      This is a true picture of who God was to Joseph and how much he valued Him. He stood for God and against all odds, damming every consequence.

The truth is, whatever you do at the expense of the Master, Jesus Christ defines the price tag you have put on Him.


 Thank You Jesus for being the Lord of my life and the Savior of my soul. You are my everything.