"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me ..." - Acts 1:8

The primary purpose of baptism in the Holy Ghost is to witness for the Lord, and to serve Him in whatever capacity He might have ordained for us. We need the baptism in the Spirit also that we might have power for day to day victory over the devil. The baptism in the Holy Ghost endues us with power (dunamis) from above (Luke 24:49) for the proper functioning of the child of God here on earth; and this is worthy of emphasis especially at the beginning of the new year 2023.

         In the old testament, God put His Spirit upon certain individuals to perform certain functions for Him. Eg, on the seventy elders, to help Moses to administer the people (Numbers 11:25-26); on the various Judges of Israel, so they could judge the people well (Judges 3:10,6:34;11:29;13:25;14:6;15:14); on Kings, so they could rule well (1 Samuel 10:6,10;11:6;16:13); on prophets, so they could speak His Word (Ezekiel 11:5;2 Kings 2:15); etc.

         Samson was a man that was anointed by God to deliver Israel from the Philistines. The anointing of God upon Samson made him very powerful. I have often preached, saying that paintings of Samson showing him "macho", with excessive muscles, are not a true statement of who Samson really was! If Samson were "macho", tall, hefty and excessively masculine, the source of his power would have been too obvious to the philistines; who would never have bothered themselves hiring Deliliah to find out the source of his extraordinary strength. Imagine a man that pulled up the entire gates of the city of Gaza, put them upon his shoulders and carried them up to a hill (Judges 16:1-3) What a feat! This was because he received power (dunamis) to do so. Read your Bible and you will discover that most of the times that Samson did things extraordinary, you will read that "the Spirit of the Lord came upon him" (Judges 14:6,19;15:14)

       Now, that was Samson's calling! We all have our different callings of God; to do certain things for Him. Whatever be your calling, you need to be empowered by God to effect the calling; whether you are a Preacher of the Gospel, Lawyer, Doctor, Nurse, Architect, Surveyor, Insurer, Banker, Engineer, Plumber, Cobbler, Electrician, Administrator, etc. The effect of the anointing is to replace your strength with that of Jehovah-God; thereby, putting you ahead of others who operate in their natural strength. Wherever you find yourself as a Spirit-filled Christian, your difference from others is clearly manifest. It's like Seven-up, the difference is clear!

         Get filled today with the Holy Spirit and your entire story will change!


Father, l thank you for the anointing of the Holy Ghost already shed on me through your Son Jesus. I receive it today by faith for exploit, in Jesus name, amen