I need your grace to follow

Abundant grace to follow

I need your grace to follow

Your grace is enough for me


 "But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."- Job  23:10

There is a set or an appointed time for everything under the sun to materialize.

 It is advisable not to pluck our fruits unripe, but to allow them to attain the fullness of maturity. Getting out of a place before the set time can be very disastrous.

 There is always a place for preparation and a place for manifestation.

The materials for the building of the Temple of Solomon were adequately and meticulously prepared in the wilderness and taken to the Temple site for assembling.

The place of preparation is usually a place of noise, pain, discomfort, hardships and so on and so forth. It's usually an undesirable place.

For example, where the Temple materials were prepared in the wilderness, there was so much noise, crying, hammering, chiseling, sand-papering and many more. On the contrary, at the Temple site, there was no single noise heard. Everything fitted into the appropriate places and the beauty was enormous.

Great men in the Bible, (a cloud witnesses) were prepared in some particular places before they were used by God to accomplish great tasks to the glory of His Name.

Joseph was prepared in the prison. Moses was prepared both in the Palace in Egypt and the wilderness. David was prepared in the wilderness,

God is not a wicked God. He is not allowing us to pass through some difficult time for nothing, without having the mind of fixing something very essential for the purpose He created us.

"But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." - Job  23:10

Gold, is a shining and desirable object. It is submissively in the hand of the gold smith and passes through the furnace of fire through a process of purification, in order to remove all the dross until it gets to the desired shining point.

God also watches in the hard places ensuring that no trial is too much for us to bear; until He sees every dross of our lives consumed, and then He will come gloriously to our help.

 There is always a school, where everyone is tutored to fit into the desired office and to deliver the required results. We should not faint at this time of our lives.

"If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small." - Proverbs  24:10

 No matter the situation you might find yourself, lean on Him for the strength needed. Do not try to do anything in your own strength, then you can sure of a glorious outcome.


Thank you Heavenly Father, for this present situation. I am very confident that I am coming out better and more glorious in the mighty name of Jesus.