You are the great and Mighty God, so greatly to be praised, beautiful in all situations, you are the joy of the whole world.


Ps.40.1 -2 "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.

He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings."

Waiting is not as easy as we might think, but much more difficult than walking.

The Psalmist says, "I waited patiently for the Lord"

  This means that he was not in a hurry to get what he wanted or to do anything, but only at God's own time.

 Waiting requires patience, and patience is a rare virtue.

It may interest you to know that God sometimes builds hedges around His people. Hedges are usually looked at from the viewpoint of protection.

  But there is more to it than we think.

 Some hedges are kept around one for other reasons apart from protection. Hedges can be in place to restrict or to help one to learn or to mature in the things of God.

The psalmist had been in a great distress. He had been plunged into a horrible pit and into miry clay (Psalms 40:2), out of which he could not work himself, and in which he found himself sinking yet further.

In this kind of situation, the tendency is for one to begin to wonders whether he is ever going to get out of the little sphere of influence and service in which he is confined. It can be hard sometimes for one to understand why he may not have an expansion of such sphere or environment and also why it's difficult for him to “brighten the corner” where he is. 

   In all of these,  God has a purpose in all His holdups. He might probably be speaking a language, which one needs to be very careful to understand.

For example, if Joseph had worked his way out of the prison by his own accord, he might probably have ended up in the streets of Egypt as a tomatoes seller, whereas, God was preparing the throne of Egypt for him.

When God asks us to wait it means He has something better in stock for us.


Faithful God, I thank you for your love towards me and my family 👪. I know for sure that You have the best of us at heart. We receive all the good things you have prepared for us, in the Mighty name of Jesus. 🙏 🙏 🙏