TEXT: JN 13: 21-26

At the last supper, Jesus sat with His disciples and there, He told them that one of them would betray Him. Upon a secret inquiry by Peter and John (verses 23-25), Jesus gave a sign by which the traitor would be known: "He it is, to whom I shall give a SOP, ... "- verse 26.

      The lesson I bring out of this transaction is that Christ would often times give Sop (meaning worldly riches, honours and pleasures) to the wicked and/or traitors, even among us as Judas was among the other apostles. Judas was in fellowship at the same time with Christ and His enemies!  Likewise today, many ministers Christ's Gospel or children of God are in fellowship with the devil.

      Judas, and the other disciples (except Peter and John) unaware of the reason for the sop given by Christ, could have considered him (Judas) as blessed by the Lord by the gift of the Sop, so much as to arouse their jealousy and consider him (Judas) as favoured by the Master! Compare with the treatment meted unto Benjamin at Joseph's table in Egypt - Gen 43:33-34.    Dear child of God, do you sometimes consider yourself less favoured by the Lord? BEWARE! Be careful not to think so! Don't ever envy the other because he has been handed a SOP, for the prosperity of fools shall destroy them! (Proverb 1:32). What you envy him for may be a Sop, like the one handed to Judas by the Lord, to identify him as the betrayer. Be content therefore with your lot in Christ; value it, nurture it, and soon you'll be the envy of others.

Have a wonderful day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I appreciate you dearly for what you have done for me in Christ Jesus. Help me Lord to focus on you and not to envy my fellow humans as to who or what they are or possess, in Jesus name.