"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ..." -  2Cor2:14

 To triumph means to have a great victory or achievement. It is a state of being successful and victorious with all its attendant joy and satisfaction.

 For us who are in Christ, God ALWAYS causes us to triumph. This is what this verse of Scripture says. Unto us therefore, victory is assured by God. It doesn't really matter what you are or have gone through in life, after all God in His Omnipotence and in His Omniscience causes ALL THINGS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD! (See Rom 8:28). This assurance that we have in the Lord can be otherwise explained thus: 'that before the close of the day, at God's appointed time, you'll have your due'!

    Abraham was not disappointed in God. Neither was Job; despite the barrage of attacks he got from satan.

 In the same vein, you will NOT be disappointed in the Lord your God. Hallelujah! It's just a matter of time. Whether you arrive in the morning, afternoon or evening, the essential thing is that you arrived. What's more, at whatever time He programs your arrival, He ensures that everything is beautiful (See Eccl 3:11).

     President Obama left office as US President at 56 years of age, while President Trump assumed the same US Presidency immediately after him at the age of 75. God's sovereignty over us all entitles Him to fashion us according to His purpose, design and desire. To some therefore it is early arrival and to others it may not be so; but one thing is certain, God ensures that every fellow is fulfilled at whatever time "his toll gate" is broken by Him. May the Lord break every toll gate that stands against your fulfillment and manifesting in Jesus name.

          Indeed, Psalm 27 is my favorite of the Psalms of David! I love what he says in Ps 27:13:

"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." - Psalm 27:13, NIV.

 In Psalm 27, David wrote of his waiting on God during a time of great trouble in his life when there was no solution in sight. Rather than giving in to despair, he maintained his confidence that he would "see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" - Ps 27:13.

Today, we live in a world that worships the instantaneous! When it seems there is no sign of our deepest longings being fulfilled, the Psalmist urges us to trust in and wait on the Eternal God. "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!" - Ps 27:14.

 I prophesy that the year 2023 shall be a year that you will witness the fulfillment of your long awaited dream, in Jesus mighty name. May it be your turn to smile, in Jesus name.

    Merry Christmas in arrears and have a prosperous new year in advance in Jesus name.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I'm very certain that you have done me good in Christ Jesus. I'm witnessing and testifying to your goodness in Jesus name.