You are Yahweh eh eh

You are Yahweh

You are Yahweh, Alpha and Omega

You are Yahweh, Alpha and Omega.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17

The work of redemption performed by Jesus Christ on the Cross makes divine transformation possible.

In the Bible reading for today ,Apostle Paul makes us to understand, that it doesn't matter how you were, who gave birth to you, or what happened before you were born. Your being born again has made you a new creation.

However, the divine transformation which makes an enemy of God become a friend of this same God, carries along with it some responsibilities. Old things must pass away and the fellow must now live according to the principles of the kingdom of God.

There are two main avenues for experiencing divine transformation: the first is genuine repentance. This is when a man voluntarily submits his will to God in obedience. The other one is the power in the blood of Jesus Christ; the blood of the new covenant is much more superior to the blood of bulls (Hebrews 10:4). Therefore, for divine transformation, Jesus Christ is the answer, and there are no two ways about. It's amazing that all the necessary transformation we need to live an acceptable life before God is already done in us.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was speaking to Nicodemus about divine transformation when He said to him: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:5

The mystery of the new birth cannot be explained by human reasoning except through the enlightenment of the Spirit of our God. When we are born again, Christ comes to take His dwelling on the inside of us.

Note, Regenerating grace creates a new world in the spirit and all things are become new. The renewed man acts from new principles, by new rules, with new ends, and in new company.

Being born of Water and of the Spirit brings about divine transformation. Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior ,then you are like the wind that no one can comprehend.

 In Christ we see strength, others are weak but we are strong to move on.

My prayer for someone reading this devotional is that the blessing of the new anointing will be your portion in Jesus’ name. However, you must surrender your life to Jesus Christ in order for you to harness these benefits.


Father, please cleanse me from all impurities and let my life conform to your Image in the Mighty name of Jesus.