I surrender all, I surrender all

All to thee my blessed Saviour I surrender all.


 Mark.11 :6 - 8 And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go. And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him and he sat upon him And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way

 We have been called to live in obedience and submissiveness to God. We will do ourselves a great deal of good by living in obedience to the instructions of God, our Maker. In the Bible, we have a track record of men who lived submissively and obediently to God. The end of those men was very commendable.

There were also men who lived disobediently to God’s instructions and their end was equally very disastrous.

The scriptural reading for today has shown to us how an ordinary animal obediently yielded itself to instructions and it became greatly used, even by Jesus our Master

The colt is an amateur horse, without any experience at all; a baby horse it was. This is a big lesson to us all. It is not a question of how old, long, far or rich in experience we are or have been in the Church. But what matters is how obedient we are to our Maker. The colt was very cooperative and submissive to the messengers from Jesus as well as it was to Him.

Many of us have struggled over our calling for many years; and even now some of us are struggling. The earlier we submit the easier and better it will be for us.

Before the colt was untied and brought to the Master, it was in stagnation. It was only able to move within the range of the rope with which it had been tied. It couldn't even go as far as its eyes could see, but as we've observed, only within the extent of the rope that was used to tie it down.

But because it was in submission and cooperation with those sent to untie it and eventually the Master, it was not only taken out of the town that it had been, but far into the city of Jerusalem.

As it was in use, the people honoured Christ directly, but the horse was indirectly honored also. It was decorated with fine clothes and it walked also upon others that were strawed on the way. Though the colt was inexperienced, yet it allowed the Master to control and direct it.

Our submission and cooperation with God can determine how much God will use us. This comes along also with much honor for us, as the MASTER is honored.

All the LORD expectst from us is to yield in obedience and submission to His calling. It is not a question of how old, young or how many years of experience we have. It's all about how pliable we are in God's Hand.


Dear Heavenly Father. I yield my totality unto you; that you have your way in me, in Jesus Mighty name.